Venice Gathering w/ Indy Scott, September 1

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Just checking in to let y'all know we got home safe and sound!! Sallie and I had a was terrific meeting new people and hugging my friends, and the dive was a blast!! After 2 hours and 33 minutes underwater, despite having 1000 psi left in my tank, it was time to eat lunch so I ended my dive...and learned that there was a small hole in my mesh bag, OH NO, I know I picked up more than 22 toofs but...oh well. I also found two large triangular objects hoping that they were fossillized teeth...they probably aren't...but I think Sallie's kids will have fun with them anyway.

SPECIAL thanks to Moteman/Mike for bringing some toofs for the kids, that was incredibly thoughtful. :10:

What can I say, the peeps were great as always, the beach was beautiful, the dive was interesting, the food was delicious, and it was an easy drive each way. As Ahnold the Governator says, "I'll be back!"

As I gathered teeth today I found something white pointing out of the sand ... i felt of it ,,, hmmm feels smooth kinda like a fossil ... so I try to pull it out ..... suddenly the sand rose and a HUGE stone crab shuffeled off under the grass :dork2:
I had a great time today .... I will be on this coast at least once a month and would enjoy diving with you guys then :wink:

Yes.. there were some biggies out there.. Lots nestled up under the rocks on the reef.

I'm taking my wife out to the reef next weekend.. anyone wanting to learn where it is is welcome to come out. :)
Just repeating the thanks to Mike for teeth for the kids...Sallie's son is in seventh heaven!

I have to come back and fine a MEG for him...
Yes.. there were some biggies out there.. Lots nestled up under the rocks on the reef.

I'm taking my wife out to the reef next weekend.. anyone wanting to learn where it is is welcome to come out. :)

I may just take you up on that offer.
That was great today. I just love these events. I have to say that rated as one of the best for me. Kathy, Taylor had a fantastic time with Jessica. Becky, the boys were teaching Taylor some of the do's and don'ts - I think they impressed her a bit. To all the new people, it was a real pleasure. :)

DKramer, I still can't believe that has been you the whole time :D P.S. Try out the wing, go on, give it a go!

Rico, I'll let you know how the bag works on my next anchor dive. Thanks again. Don't forget to see Waywardson, if you need some straps. Denielle, congrats on your first OW :yelclap:

And Rich :hugs: :hugs: Becky so glad you got to make it. I will have you in my thoughts for tomorrow.

My lil haul for Taylor - mind you many of mine were used as "bread crumbs" for some of the kids, heheheheh :)



Mind you those were taken with my camera phone - hence they are not so good
Badger Matt:
Chad's comment on the way home? "We sure meet a lot of nice people. You just have to know where to look. Just like sharks' teeth." I'm not making this up and he wasn't drinking...other than a McD's milkshake on the way home.

Chad may think i am a bit loony. I went right up and said, "oh you are chad w/ the cute puppy". He looked a bit shocked.:)
I had a GREAT time meeting you all there. Thanks everyone.
MissD: That was a BIG Seahorse you showed me.
Pete: Thanks for the ride to Fl. West Scuba.
Cbulla: Thanks for the Scuabboard sticker.

I finally got my MEG...well its a HALF
Thanks MissD for organizing this. It was lots of fun.
Thanks to however loaded my cooler with Caprisun.:thumbs_up:

It's great to meet some nice ppl with the same interests.

I wish I'd known we were easter egging the beach. I'm embarassed to say we came home with over 800. :loopy: The neighbors kids love us.

:snore: ...
What a great day. I trully enjoyed meeting and rubbing elbows with so many new people in my life. This was my first gathering and not my last. Many thanks to reeldream for the letting me know about this trip. Dkarmer what can I say it was great to met you and thanks for the second dive at least I didn't go home with no teeth. To everyone else thanks for everything, hope we can met another time and have some more great dives. Have a great day and safe dive's; Mistigold [Wayne]
Chad may think i am a bit loony. I went right up and said, "oh you are chad w/ the cute puppy". He looked a bit shocked.
Ya gotta admit it's a little weird for a kid to have people know who he is...and he's never met them. He's looking forward to the next get-together. Definitely need to bring the missus and my daughter along next time -- they don't dive...but they do shop and sit around on the beach...and, if I finance their shopping...they might even carry some gear.

Thanks to however loaded my cooler with Caprisun.
That would be me and Chad...but we're not generous...just too lazy to carry a full cooler off the beach...

Chad, again, I'm sorry for kicking you so many times.
It was great diving with ya'll. Let's do it again!
...and Chad's response? "It wasn't her fault, dad. You kept pushing me into her fins." Since I made him hold onto my arm due to the viz, and dad's over-protective nature, I reckon he's right.

MissD -- Thanks for hosting this get-together. It's gotta to be a time-consuming pain to herd a bunch of folks from all over Florida onto a beach.

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