Venice Gathering w/ Indy Scott, September 1

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Mmm Scuba:
I'll be happy to bring fruit. How much should I bring? Any requests for what kind?

Just a big bowl full. Doesn't matter. Hey you could get a bag of apples, chop them in quarters, sqeeze lemon on them so's they don't turn, and that would be perfect :) I think a bag of apples is like $5? Or just bring cold apples in the whole actually.

Grumby - no worries on the tanks I'll grab them for you :)
Capt Grumby:
I haven't really been keeping tabs, but my 10 yr old has asked a very important question.

Does anyone know (or have an estimate) of how many non-diving kids will be there and what the ages are?

I think about 4-5 in that age group. A couple more that are younger.
Hey, quick update, due to some overlapping obligations (such as a good friend of mine's daughters 1st birthday) occuring the same day, my wife and wee lads won't be coming.. I'll be up early to dive some but will have to split about noon or 1 to be back here for the infamous burn'n down the house 1 year old with a cake fun...

So, aside from shark teeth.. what else do you think can be found out there? :D

Lets see.. the usual rib bones that sometimes show trace evidence of Meg chomping, horse teeth, mammoth and mastadon teeth, antler bits, tortise shell and other bones which occaisionally show up, whale ear bone... hmm.. keep an eye open for other oddities. I've got a peice of hip bone for something (unknown), a juvinile mastadon tibia, and a nickelodeon coin from a place that closed in the late 80's up in Missouri. :)
Capt Grumby:
I haven't really been keeping tabs, but my 10 yr old has asked a very important question.

Does anyone know (or have an estimate) of how many non-diving kids will be there and what the ages are?

My 2 son's Denis (10) Tyler (8) both are keezie kids and can swim very well.
I'm leaving Broward about 6 a.m. and while I'm not sure when I'll arrive, I'm thinking between 9 and 10...I hope someone will dive with me and show me the ropes!!!

Hey Deb, I will dive with you but I have no inkling of what I am looking for. We could always just wing it and pray one jumps up to bite us.:rofl3:
Becky, you crack me up!! :rofl3: Your drive is even longer than mine, what time to you expect to arrive?
Becky, you crack me up!! :rofl3: Your drive is even longer than mine, what time to you expect to arrive?

I'm coming in on Friday night and staying at Roberts (Reeldreams) Condo on the beach:D Tltracy is also staying there. That way we are up and on the beach before the sun rises. :D
OOOH now that sounds like a great plan!!!

SEA you on the beach!!!

I'm bringing two tanks and I sure hope I find some toofs...I don't want to keep them for myself, but I want to give as many as I can to Sallie's kids because her mean soon-to-be-ex has decided that they should not come with her and now their little hearts are broken. I'm hoping to be able to present them with a nice bag o' toofs. So, I'm counting on the locals' help to find some for them.
My kids will and so will I. They say you can get lots of those little ones it's the big ones that are hard to find. It's really hard on the kids:shakehead: mine went through the same thing for about a week. As soon as I told them we could go they have not shut up since. Infact Tyler keeps getting his days confussed and saying pack tonight mom:rofl3: NO Tyler not tonight in 4 days..... Pack tonight mom NO Tyler in 3 days.... Hey mom NOOOO TYLER in 2 days:rofl3: This is a BIG deal to us...:D
HAHA, I know what you mean Becky! This really is a big deal for kids. Sallie's won't care if they are big or small toofs, they'll just be thrilled to get a bag of them of any size. I look forward to seeing your kids, they are really cool kids.

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