Venice Dive - June 26th - KBulla's Bday party

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We bought a small grill at Walmart. We will be there around 10:00.
Sorry to weasel out on you all, i woke up this morning better than i had felt through most of this week, but still stuffy enough to know diving is a no-no. I probably shouldnt have gone last week either and that probably brought on this recent thing a little more - so i am trying not to take chances. There will be other dive days, other trips and SB meetings/BBQ's as well as a few more teeth in the clayey stuff out of Venice - even with 20+ divers on it today i feel there are plenty more down there!

Hope you have a good day, i am off to try to shake this completely before my next diving adventure.
Simon, you missed a good day. Diving was good: vis was 8-10', 88 degrees, and the sea was FLAT. Saw a lot of old friends, and met several new ones, had a blast!
I'm so bummed we missed this trip, just now reading the thread for the first time... ***cries*** Happy Birthday Kris!!!!!! We'll have to hit the next one..
I got my first MEG!!!! WOOHOO!

Oh and is it BEAUUUUTIFUL!

Too much fun!
Wise decision. The last time I dove shortly after recovering from a cold, I had oh so much fun dealing with a reverse block all the way up from 40'. I definitely missed you today, though. "Awwwww, isn't it nice to be needed". I wish you had let me know earlier, though, as the carrots rotted in the back of the truck. What a waste.

Chuck, thanks for the dives. Man, the camera thing really stinks!! I sure hope that you don't end up eating the entire cost of it.

Jenny, what can I say? You are the bomb when it comes to air consumption. I bow to thee, oh my Queen. The dear one is feeling much better now. We think that she just got way too hot.

James, good to meet you, and congratulations on getting salty. How did you like it?

Colin, great to see you again, and had fun trying to "outpigpen" you. Kris, happy birthday, & may the next one be at least half as cute as the Xman.

Everybody, it was a good party/dive event. I enjoyed meeting everyone.
Howdy all... Had a great time yesterday! It was nice to meet everybody. Wish I would've come up with a BC or B/P before the event as I was envious of the teeth I saw coming in to the beach.. (Thanks to the people that offered the use of gear) After I get the waterproof disposable camera developed I'll feed them into the scanner and post the decent ones. Some of the underwater shots should be good.. James - great job on your first beach/saltwater dives! Brent
Although i had a good day away from the sinus trouble, i had a headache that wouldnt let up - what is wrong with me this month??? Glad you all had fun and even got a meg between the various dives that must have been put in.

I have to do something next weekend and will be looking in earnest for ideas, trips and beating off my poor health!

Happy b'day again Kris.

BTW, i had my carrots recently, i will await another batch next time we make it out.
Hey ya'll - Kris, Xavier and I had an absolute BLAST yesterday!! I can't thank everyone enough for coming!!

WildBill - Thank you for bringing out the grill and being the master chef!! It was great to see you and your family again!!

NovaFury - Tentmaster! What more can I say! Thank you for providign the much needed shade!

SmokeAire - Thanks for providing grub!!! Burgers and dogs and much more that was enjoyed by all!!

ScubaJenny - the mango dip was incredible, and even more so today!

Dennis - Great pasta salads and beans buddy!

Foooooool!!!! It was great seeing you out again :) Glad to hear that your huny is fellin better! Didn't you bring out the soda? My brain is cooked, so I am really tryin to remember what everyone brought! :D

James! It was great to meet you and put a face to a name! Hope to see you around for more dives, buddy!

Walter - As always, its a pleasure to see you out diving with us! :)

Dive4 - Thanks for coming out!

How about a labor day gathering?? Camp and dive somewhere? Crystal River, Penecamp??..... just tossin idears! :D

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