Value of the DIR approach

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No offense but it seems that almost every time you say something about DIR, you say something that is either partially untrue or completely untrue. Have a look back at 3 of the last 4 or 5 of your posts.

I apologize that I said most divers fail, I should say most are *provisional*. If they don't complete the training, while it may not be failure IMO it's about the same, but I've read accounts of divers getting a provisional status NOT because they were provisional, but because their buddy team was.

I'm not sure other than that I've said much that is completely untrue, but please correct me. I'm sure if you do not, Jason will, and likely in person. :D

I should not make big generalizations about DIR as I know better about making generalizations. However a method that is named DOING IT RIGHT IS rather elitist by it's very name. :10: IMO they would have been a LOT better to find a less offensive acronym! Maybe DIB, doing it black!

I'm really not attacking DIR, and I have a LOT of respect for those I dive with that are DIR trained. However I will poke fun at it even if it may cost me while next diving at the Hole! :D
And some people think World Peace is possible, this whole thread is why I solo dive as much as possible. Who is that guy obviously undergoing a serious event of Rapture of the Deep? Holy cow. N
That picture - the other guy... it's NetDoc. :rofl3:

(also posing)
Uh, I knew that, I see the camo wing in there.:rofl3: N
Uh, I knew that, I see the camo wing in there.:rofl3: N

Sure ya did!

You've got the eyes of an eagle! :rofl3:
I guess you think like an English teacher. (When I was an English teacher and trying to teach the difference between can and may, I would say something like, "Beats me. Do you have some sort of medical condition that would prevent you?")

The point of the grammar book was that in real life we don't get all confused --and bent out of shape--when someone makes a small grammatical error that does not interfere with communication.

The analogy with diving is similar. In the picture, the guy was not calling the dive, and no one would think he was, even though he was technically giving that signal.
No, I think about the message. While your analogy is a good one, you don't go quite far enough. In this day and age the difference between "may" and "can" is twofold, one is the dying difference you cited, "permission to" vs. "capable of" but there is also a class distinction that goes with it, proper use of "may" is either a grammarian or a member of the upper class (or a poser of the upper class) who will use the faux paux to put down the speaker (or the thumber).
Sounds like a good bunch of guys. Wish all the divers out there had this mentality.

Actually I think most all of the SB divers I've met have this mentality! :D If we did not care about diving, divers, and improving diving skills we certainly would not bother posting.

DIR divers also are a great bunch. I've been fortunate enough to dive with many, and they are a great and generous group of people with a passion for diving.
No, I think about the message. While your analogy is a good one, you don't go quite far enough. In this day and age the difference between "may" and "can" is twofold, one is the dying difference you cited, "permission to" vs. "capable of" but there is also a class distinction that goes with it, proper use of "may" is either a grammarian or a member of the upper class (or a poser of the upper class) who will use the faux paux to put down the speaker (or the thumber).

That was precisely the reason for my post.

I see a lot of divers--in this thread and other places--putting down other divers for "minor grammatical errors" and other things. You are a frequent poster on SB, and I know you to be an intelligent and thoughtful person when you post. I don't agree with a number of your posts, but that is fine--we all grow that way. What would I gain by pointing out that you wrote "faux paux" when you meant "faux pas?"? It would be a silly exercise in snobbery, especially since I myself make all kinds of errors like that all the time--especially because of my ham-fingered typing. I would look a lot worse--deservedly--for making a big deal of it than you did for making a tiny spelling error.

I think we can all benefit by learning what is important and what is not important in diving differences. I think some people feel really offended by being attacked for what is the diving equivalent to can and may, and I think some people feel much better for having made the attack.

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