UTD Ratio deco discussion

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I’d have to really put some brain time towards it, but the quote focuses on inert gases, in than Nitrogen off gasses slower than helium and therefore may require longer Deco than previously thought. Further, these were saturation dives. As well it is speculation towards mixed gas/accelerated Deco, it wasn’t actually field tested. So, like anything, it should be given consideration, and overall I still think RD 2.0 (given its flexibility in application) is inline with the shift away from earlier deep stop theory.
in than Nitrogen off gasses slower than helium and therefore may require longer Deco than previously thought.
You do realize that conventional thinking was just the opposite of this, don't you? You do realize that recent research indicates that helium off-gasses at about the same rate as nitrogen, right? I assume you probably also know that the same research indicated that it is still wise to act as if helium off-gasses slower than nitrogen because we evidently should be doing more deco for nitrogen than previously thought.
You do realize that conventional thinking was just the opposite of this, don't you? You do realize that recent research indicates that helium off-gasses at about the same rate as nitrogen, right? I assume you probably also know that the same research indicated that it is still wise to act as if helium off-gasses slower than nitrogen because we evidently should be doing more deco for nitrogen than previously thought.

My understanding is that we should've been doing more deco for at depth than previously thought, regardless of gas kinetics.

Like: The helium penalty accidentally gave us approximately the correct amount of deco, but for the wrong reasons.
Found a "version" of the new Ratio Deco 2.0 Deep Stops Table:

UTD Instructors @Dan_P and @decompression , care to comment ?

In purely general terms:
My personal concern with the gas choice in the NEDU study in relation to decompression, is two-fold:
1) Could the comparatively high gas density of air impact CO2-retention and consequently, decompression?
2) Could the comparatively high gas density of air impact decompression in a manner particularly effecting the deeper portions of the dive/decompression and skewer the results, in a fashion not extrapolatable to a similar dive with a normally used gas for such dives?

If we look at expert statements, I get that the results should probably be taken with more than a grain of salt.

Personally, I'm not preoccupied with the issue of off-gassing specific gasses (i.e. helium penalty or not), be that a correct weighting or not - I'm worried that air might be a poor gas choice for depth, both the bottom portion and any of the deeper stops.
One, it's dense and two, it has a very high fraction of nitrogen.

This would relate to bubble-models such as VPM or RGBM, any Bühlmann-model applying "relatively deep" stops, and a planning framework that includes "deeper" stops (Ratio Deco).

To be clear, if I found myself at 170ft. with a decompression obligation like the ones in the NEDU study, and all I had to breathe was air, I'd definitely emphasize shallower stops than I usually do - my view is simply that this is not something I would extrapolate to imply general validity.
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Found a "version" of the new Ratio Deco 2.0 Deep Stops Table:

UTD Instructors @Dan_P and @decompression , care to comment ?
In purely general terms:
My personal concern with the gas choice in the NEDU study in relation to decompression, is two-fold:
1) Could the comparatively high gas density of air impact CO2-retention and consequently, decompression?
2) Could the comparatively high gas density of air impact decompression in a manner particularly effecting the deeper portions of the dive/decompression in a manner that might skewer the results, in a manner not extrapolatable to a similar dive with a normally used gas for such dives?

If we look at expert statements, I get that the results should probably be taken with more than a grain of salt.

Personally, I'm not occupied by the issue of off-gassing specific gasses (i.e. helium penalty or not), be that a correct weighting or not - I'm worried that air might be a poor gas choice for depth, both the bottom portion and any of the deeper stops.
One, it's dense and two, it has a very high fraction of nitrogen.

This would relate to bubble-models such as VPM or RGBM, any Bühlmann-model applying "relatively deep" stops, and a planning framework that includes "deeper" stops (Ratio Deco).

To be clear, if I found myself at 170ft. with a decompression obligation like the ones in the NEDU study, and all I had to breathe was air, I'd definitely emphasize shallower stops than I usually do - my view is simply that this is not something I would extrapolate to imply general validity.
CO2 retention and gas density at depth is a more immediate and potentially acute pathophysiology by itself, notwithstanding any effects it may have on decompression,

Still though with regards to Air vs Standard Gases and the results of the NEDU Study, from a few posts back in this thread:
. . .You cannot dismiss the relevance of the NEDU study to decompression diving by technical divers using high oxygen content gas just because the divers in the study were using air. The reasons for this were articulated at length in the original deep stops threads on rebreather world. Those threads are still available, and I would strongly suggest that if you really are interested in this subject that you read them. Put simply, if the study had incorporated oxygen decompression then the difference between deep stop and shallow stop outcomes would probably have been smaller and perhaps not detectable to a level of statistical significance in a study of pragmatic size, but there is no reason to expect that the "truth in the universe" about the disadvantage over-emphasizing deep stops would be any different. Indeed, the same disadvantageous patterns of supersaturation distribution across fast and slow tissues that form the most plausible explanation for the NEDU study results have been shown to exist in bubble model decompressions from typical technical rebreather dives.

You have asked several times about the current state of science around this subject. In this regard it is possible to make some useful general observations.

First, there is not and never has been ANY evidence supporting the emphasis placed on deep stops in decompression diving by bubble models, ratio deco, or GF approaches chosen to emulate bubble models. Whatever you think about the studies that I discuss below, you need to keep this key fact in mind at all times.

Second, every bit of related science that has emerged in recent times suggests that bubble models, ratio deco, and GF approaches with a low GF-lo place too much emphasis on deep stops. That evidence can be summarized as follows:

1. The NEDU study. Previously extensively discussed. A truly seminal piece of work which is never likely to be repeated. There has been a lot of contrived criticism of this study mainly from people with a vested interest. We could go on at length about this (and indeed we have), but the thing we should all remember is that every other bit of contemporary evidence (see below) which has emerged appears to corroborate the NEDU study findings.

2. The recent Spisni study comparing RD and GF 30/80. This study is particularly interesting because it contained a design flaw in that the RD decompression was longer than the GF one. If you want to evaluate the efficacy of the deeper stops and the RD S curve in comparison to another approach which involves shallower stops and no S curve, then you at the very least need to make the profiles the same length (because, all other factors being equal, a longer decompression should always be safer). Put simply, the experimental design imposed a significant inbuilt advantage for the RD approach. Despite this, there was a trend toward less instances of high bubble grade in the divers using the GF approach (which did not reach statistical significance) and inflammatory markers were more elevated in the divers using RD. You have asked several times what is the evidence that debunks RD. “Debunks” is probably too strong a word, but this study provides a signal that the RD approach (as it stood at the time) was inferior to another commonly used approach with shallower stops and no S curve. Moreover, there is some evidence (see the Swedish navy study below) that the comparator for RD in this study (GF-lo of 30) also places too much emphasis on deep stops. In other words RD may have looked worse if compared to an approach with even less emphasis on deep stops.

3. The Blatteau study published in Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine in 2005. They showed more venous bubbles after a deep stop decompression compared to a traditional gas content model with shallower stops.

4. A Swedish Navy study that has been presented at several conferences but which is not yet published. This compared decompression with GF lo = 30 to DCAP (which prescribed shallower stops) from decompression dives. Again, higher bubble grades in the deeper stop dives.

5. The Ljubkovic study from Journal of Applied Physiology which showed almost universally high bubble grades after decompression from trimix dives using VPM. This was not a comparative study, but it did illustrate that bubble model decompressions do not reliably control bubble formation as has been claimed in the past. This study spawned Ross’s ridiculous crusade to rewrite the DCS pathophysiology text books with his claim that venous gas emboli are irrelevant.

6. Neal Pollock’s work at inner space and on deep diving research cruises. Also not published yet, but presented at multiple conferences (including SPUMS last week) and medical courses. He has been monitoring divers for bubbles after deep decompression dives and correlating findings with the profiles. He has found apparent success in decreasing bubble grades by de-emphasizing deep stops, and (in particular), by padding shallow oxygen stops (a strategy which Ross actively disputes).

With the exception of the NEDU study all of these involved gases other than air. You are correct to point out that only one of them relates directly to RD, but RD emphasizes (or at least emphasized) deep stops as a central part of its approach. Collectively these studies offer accumulating evidence that deep stops as prescribed by bubble models and RD in decompression dives are too deep. The Spisni study (albeit a single small study) offers evidence that this concern is not adequately compensated for by imposition of the S curve and exploitation of the oxygen window as I have heard claimed. And I reiterate my first general point above: all of this needs to be considered against the fact that there is not a single study I am aware of that supports bubble model / RD type emphasis on deep stops. . .
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I'm mainly concerned with the study's (well, and general) use of air at great depths and 'deep stops' - and not least taking the results of that to be universal to a question of first stop depth in general;

If we're looking at earlier portions of an ascend from 170ft. and the following first stop depths, I'm hard pressed to understand how results from doing those portions on air would yield results extrapolatable to doing the same on lower density mixes.

On-gassing slow tissues would indeed be particularly problematic during those portions of the dive, if using air as was the case in the NEDU study.

To me, the use of oxygen at a shallower depth is a different question entirely;
For me, the fair deduction of NEDU is: "if doing deep decompression dives on air, deep stops would not be desirable - but nor would the dive itself".
Found a "version" of the new Ratio Deco 2.0 Deep Stops Table:

UTD Instructors @Dan_P and @decompression , care to comment ?
I'm mainly concerned with the study's (well, and general) use of air at great depths and 'deep stops' - and not least taking the results of that to be universal to a question of first stop depth in general;

If we're looking at earlier portions of an ascend from 170ft. and the following first stop depths, I'm hard pressed to understand how results from doing those portions on air would yield results extrapolatable to doing the same on lower density mixes.

On-gassing slow tissues would indeed be particularly problematic during those portions of the dive, if using air as was the case in the NEDU study.

To me, the use of oxygen at a shallower depth is a different question entirely;
For me, the fair deduction of NEDU is: "if doing deep decompression dives on air, deep stops would not be desirable - but nor would the dive itself".
Ascending and Deep Stops with Air vs Standard (lower density He mix) Gases: look at the data and results of the studies cited below in terms of Venous Gas Emboli (VGE) scores. In other words, are they statistically the same or similar in those dives emphasizing Deep Stops from depth, whether you used Air or a lower density mixed gas?
Hello Mikeny9,

You cannot dismiss the relevance of the NEDU study to decompression diving by technical divers using high oxygen content gas just because the divers in the study were using air. The reasons for this were articulated at length in the original deep stops threads on rebreather world. Those threads are still available, and I would strongly suggest that if you really are interested in this subject that you read them. Put simply, if the study had incorporated oxygen decompression then the difference between deep stop and shallow stop outcomes would probably have been smaller and perhaps not detectable to a level of statistical significance in a study of pragmatic size, but there is no reason to expect that the "truth in the universe" about the disadvantage over-emphasizing deep stops would be any different. Indeed, the same disadvantageous patterns of supersaturation distribution across fast and slow tissues that form the most plausible explanation for the NEDU study results have been shown to exist in bubble model decompressions from typical technical rebreather dives.

You have asked several times about the current state of science around this subject. In this regard it is possible to make some useful general observations.

First, there is not and never has been ANY evidence supporting the emphasis placed on deep stops in decompression diving by bubble models, ratio deco, or GF approaches chosen to emulate bubble models. Whatever you think about the studies that I discuss below, you need to keep this key fact in mind at all times.

Second, every bit of related science that has emerged in recent times suggests that bubble models, ratio deco, and GF approaches with a low GF-lo place too much emphasis on deep stops. That evidence can be summarized as follows:

1. The NEDU study. Previously extensively discussed. A truly seminal piece of work which is never likely to be repeated. There has been a lot of contrived criticism of this study mainly from people with a vested interest. We could go on at length about this (and indeed we have), but the thing we should all remember is that every other bit of contemporary evidence (see below) which has emerged appears to corroborate the NEDU study findings.

2. The recent Spisni study comparing RD and GF 30/80. This study is particularly interesting because it contained a design flaw in that the RD decompression was longer than the GF one. If you want to evaluate the efficacy of the deeper stops and the RD S curve in comparison to another approach which involves shallower stops and no S curve, then you at the very least need to make the profiles the same length (because, all other factors being equal, a longer decompression should always be safer). Put simply, the experimental design imposed a significant inbuilt advantage for the RD approach. Despite this, there was a trend toward less instances of high bubble grade in the divers using the GF approach (which did not reach statistical significance) and inflammatory markers were more elevated in the divers using RD. You have asked several times what is the evidence that debunks RD. “Debunks” is probably too strong a word, but this study provides a signal that the RD approach (as it stood at the time) was inferior to another commonly used approach with shallower stops and no S curve. Moreover, there is some evidence (see the Swedish navy study below) that the comparator for RD in this study (GF-lo of 30) also places too much emphasis on deep stops. In other words RD may have looked worse if compared to an approach with even less emphasis on deep stops.

3. The Blatteau study published in Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine in 2005. They showed more venous bubbles after a deep stop decompression compared to a traditional gas content model with shallower stops.

4. A Swedish Navy study that has been presented at several conferences but which is not yet published. This compared decompression with GF lo = 30 to DCAP (which prescribed shallower stops) from decompression dives. Again, higher bubble grades in the deeper stop dives.

5. The Ljubkovic study from Journal of Applied Physiology which showed almost universally high bubble grades after decompression from trimix dives using VPM. This was not a comparative study, but it did illustrate that bubble model decompressions do not reliably control bubble formation as has been claimed in the past. This study spawned Ross’s ridiculous crusade to rewrite the DCS pathophysiology text books with his claim that venous gas emboli are irrelevant.

6. Neal Pollock’s work at inner space and on deep diving research cruises. Also not published yet, but presented at multiple conferences (including SPUMS last week) and medical courses. He has been monitoring divers for bubbles after deep decompression dives and correlating findings with the profiles. He has found apparent success in decreasing bubble grades by de-emphasizing deep stops, and (in particular), by padding shallow oxygen stops (a strategy which Ross actively disputes).

With the exception of the NEDU study all of these involved gases other than air. You are correct to point out that only one of them relates directly to RD, but RD emphasizes (or at least emphasized) deep stops as a central part of its approach. Collectively these studies offer accumulating evidence that deep stops as prescribed by bubble models and RD in decompression dives are too deep. The Spisni study (albeit a single small study) offers evidence that this concern is not adequately compensated for by imposition of the S curve and exploitation of the oxygen window as I have heard claimed. And I reiterate my first general point above: all of this needs to be considered against the fact that there is not a single study I am aware of that supports bubble model / RD type emphasis on deep stops.

Simon M
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Ascending and Deep Stops with Air vs Standard (lower density He mix) Gases: look at the data and results of the studies cited below in terms of Venous Gas Emboli (VGE) scores. In other words, are they statistically the same or similar in those dives emphasizing Deep Stops from depth, whether you used Air or a lower density mixed gas?

Relating to the six references mentioned in your post:

1) NEDU-study: the study in question. Obviously, it wouldn't make sense to compare the NEDU-study to the NEDU-study.
2) The Italy Project (Spisni et al.): This is a comparative study across RD1.0 and GF30/80.
3) Blatteau et al.: Extract:
"Decompression models (76,80,82) indicate that de-
compression safety might be improved by adding
“deep stops,” timed pauses during ascent at greater
depths than those included in conventional tables."
4) Unpublished. I have not seen this and cannot say anything about it.
5) Ljubkovic study: As your post says, it's not comparative, and looks only at VPM. If you told me that a bubble-model wouldn't show the full picture of decompression, I'd agree with you. I do not have anything to say against this study at face value, but I don't see how this does says anything other than 100% bubble mechanics is as wrong as 100% dissolved gas. I.e. VPM is incomplete, as is GF-lo 100.
6) Unpublished. I have not seen this and cannot say anything about it.

So, to answer your question:

Neither of those sources answer the question you and I are asking.
VPM isn't the holy grail?
Sure. No argument there.
RD1.0 deep stop emphasis was too great?
Yup, it's reduced in RD2.0

Nothing here gives us the definitive answer to whether or not "deep stops" are "right", and when;
Does deep air scewer the level of deep stops emphasis sensibly required?
Sure, if reference #3 is correct when it says CO2 has a role to play and gas density on those deep stops is in excess of, say 5g/L.
Is there a study showing us what the "right" balance in an algorith would be between bubble mechanics and dissolved gas mechanisms?

One thing that I do note in your posted quote, is the clear disambiguation between bubble models and RD. I think that's worth making a note of.
If we did know for a fact what the right balance should be between bubble mechanis and dissolved gas, and had available "the perfect algorithm", I'd personally still prefer a planning tool that closely approximated it at the expense of some accuracy in favor of other benefits of RD, if possible. But that's on a personal note, and a different matter entirely.
RD1.0 deep stop emphasis was too great?
Yup, it's reduced in RD2.0

I totally understand the motivation for going shallower on the first stop but I am curious to know why UTD chose 66% as the first stop depth for Tech 1? Is there a particular gradient factor that we are aiming at?
Relating to the six references mentioned in your post:


Since this is effectively a critique of one of my posts, I feel compelled to respond.

1) NEDU-study: the study in question. Obviously, it wouldn't make sense to compare the NEDU-study to the NEDU-study.

Your posts earlier in this thread make it clear that you still do not understand the message that the scientific community has taken from this study. Specifically, it challenges the belief that protecting the fast tissues from supersaturation early in the ascent by imposing deep stops outweighs any disadvantage arising from greater supersaturation of slow tissues later in the ascent. This pattern of supersaturation distribution is inevitable if you have a fixed amount of decompression time and you favour a deeper distribution of your stops, no matter what gases you use. Obviously there needs to be a deepest stop somewhere, but the available evidence suggests that bubble models and RD place that stop too deep.

2) The Italy Project (Spisni et al.): This is a comparative study across RD1.0 and GF30/80.

Yes, and it is the study that, with great fanfare and confidence on a UTD video, Georgitsis announced was going to prove that RD was better than Buhlmann GF. The study found the opposite, to be clear, a disadvantage for RD. So what is your point?

3) Blatteau et al.: Extract:
"Decompression models (76,80,82) indicate that de-compression safety might be improved by adding
“deep stops,” timed pauses during ascent at greater depths than those included in conventional tables."

This is a sentence from the introduction in which the authors are describing the rationale for conducting their study. Do you not think it might be more relevant (and honest) to quote the actual result - which was not favourable to deep stops?

4) Unpublished. I have not seen this and cannot say anything about it.

5) Ljubkovic study: As your post says, it's not comparative, and looks only at VPM. If you told me that a bubble-model wouldn't show the full picture of decompression, I'd agree with you. I do not have anything to say against this study at face value, but I don't see how this does says anything other than 100% bubble mechanics is as wrong as 100% dissolved gas. I.e. VPM is incomplete, as is GF-lo 100.

6) Unpublished. I have not seen this and cannot say anything about it.

Fair enough. The unpublished studies have been presented at multiple diving medical conferences and I have not misrepresented them, but clearly you have not had the chance to hear the presentations.

Perhaps the most important point that seems to be forgotten by those who attempt to debunk the evidence against deep stops is that they / you are defending a decompression approach that has not a SHRED of supportive evidence and that all studies that are relevant to this general issue suggest that it is not optimal (that is, it over-emphasises deep stops). None of the studies are perfect for our purposes, but when multiple imperfect studies all say the same thing, the chances are it is correct.

Simon M


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