I suppose it is unlikely that CMAS will modernize its policies and training and harmonize with the rest of the world.
I agree. We are old, and use old school techniques.
I started using a dive computer in 2019! And still i prefer my trusted Seiko watch, analog depth meter and US Navy dive table, the computer is there just because in some places they find it to be mandatory, and giving me some additional info and reference.
But my deco stops will never be managed by a crappy electronic device...
The point is that I work building and programming electronic devices (20 years ago I founded a spinoff company of the University of Parma, building noise and vibration meters, and just this year I founded another, building complex monitoring systems for machineries and buildings), and I know first hand how many shortcuts and errors are made even in professional scientific instruments costing 20 times more than a dive computer.
My life and health cannot be in the hands of an obscure programmer who probably did never make a deco dive.
Regarding solo diving, this is a common accepted practice here for COMMERCIAL DIVING, not for recreational diving. It is also quite standard for rescue divers (firefighters, civil protection, etc.), but in these cases the solo diver is always in communication with the surface support, employing some sort of intercom system, either wired or wireless.
This is particularly true when doing search of dead bodies in zero visibility (in such conditions a buddy is a nonsense), which is an activity I practiced as a Civil Protection volunteer for 20 years.
I did build my own intercom system, which requires a full face mask, of course.
Special training is required for such activity, well beyond any recreational or "tech" training, and based on the training system developed in the eighties at the top commercial diver school in Italy, the Istituto Rossi in Vicenza, which now has unfortunately terminated these training programs.