usd conshelf 20 reg

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Hi folks, new guy here. I am in the process of getting padi certified right now and i recently bought some equipment. I look all over this forum and couldnt realy find any thing i wanted to know about my reg. Amy way i was wondering what every one had to say about the ole usd conshelf 20. I got mine off ebay at a pretty good price and i noticed others for sale, so they must be kind of common. So if you have any comments please share.

I'm not real sure of the conshelf model numbers, but the conshelf design is well proven and quite common. I have an older conshelf that I got when I started diving and it is still a very good reg. I really can tell no perfomance difference from newer regs I have owned or tried.

Conshelfs are easy to service and adjust. The thing with buying anything used is it's present condition. Have a qualified technician look it over and rebuild if necessary. Depending on that outcome, you'll decide whether it was a good deal or not, even if you end up with a nice reg.
They are a nice reg. They shine up really nice if you have them serviced at the right place. I have seen a few come through and although they are long out of warranty, and the parts might ream you a little at first, the breathe great.

Also depending on your location and if you got the version with the env. seal on it is makes a great cold water reg.
Mine's a little beat up, but in pretty good shape for 30 years old. Breathes great, easy to get serviced, and as rescuediver009 mentioned it's a pretty good cold water reg with the dry seal. Definitely get it in to the shop for servicing before you use it. IIRC the serial number is on the second stage under the mouthpiece, and the first two digits tell you the year of manufacture (if you're interested.)

Good luck with the course.
Thanks everyone, i am going to have a shop check everything out as soon as i can.
I have a different opinion. I have a USD SE III. It's sucks. Believe it or NOT, the reg almost locked shut at 40 feet. When the reg did work, it didn't work well. The breathing sucked. I had to forcefully suck the air form the reg. I had the reg worked on several different times which helped, but it still was work to breath. The deeper you go, the worse it became. I now have an Atomic B2. I love the reg. It breaths the same at 100' as it does on the surface. I know it is exspensive, but when it comes to air under water, I don't think you can put a price on that.
Get it into the shop and try it out. There are Lemons in every make, model, etc. so don't take one person's word for it or even blame a brand just because you have problems with one reg. I have an Aeris Atmos sport and had it at 104ft this past week. It breathed excellent and isn't an expensive reg. I've considered an older Conshelf as a backup. Always wanted one of the older looking ones that shine.
It should be a good reg for you. Have it serviced and enjoy it. Any reg can be fine tuned to perform well.

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