Updates From Baghdad....

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What we have here is almost like Vietnam there are no lines just a circular fight all the time.

yeah ... you basically have urban guerilla warfare going on

These guys are cowards and will not go toe to toe with us.

they know their chances of surviving a fight like that with you guys would be ... oh, about zero

Unlike Vietnam, that enemy did not want to kill us here.

small point, I guess.

the message boards were a security threat.. Whose side are ya'll on anyway?

If you were there you really want every guy to be blabbing where you are and what you are doing? I guess sitting here it looks different.

Support the troops is not just playing tearjerking videos, it includes backing policies that will allow us to win. I'm just thankful they are allowed to call home, if they can't go to my space, who cares, it's a war for God's sake.

If I may ask....can I get somebody to send me some spices like Garlic and what not. The food here sucks

yea, Jb asked for Mrs Dash or something like that. What about cans of chili? We could send you that, the weight of the box doesn't effect the shipping in the falt rate box.
Unlike Vietnam, that enemy did not want to kill us here.

not sure i follow...

as for supporting our troops, let's agree to disagree on that, especially on this thread
ok you two, be careful!! i don't want anything to put this thread in jeopardy!
I'm addicted to the real news and use it as back up for anyone who tries to tell me anything different about what's going on over there. :)
(ps- i had to read catherine's post a couple times too, but i think she means that they didn't use our planes as weapons against us on our soil to start the vietnam war)

Squalus -

I finally copied and sent your "journal" here to almost everyone l know.... it so important for people to hear firsthand. *and I removed your info as requested*
I've gotten such positive responses, I will definitely send them along.
Actually a friend of mine who's a teacher in NJ happened to be discussing the subject in her classroom today and said the email couldn't have arrived at a more appropriate time. I'm told you should be on the lookout for a carepackage from a class in NJ.

stay safe...
we'll keep you in our prayers, and sleep better at night knowing you're there protecting us here!

dl :)
Support the troops is not just playing tearjerking videos, it includes backing policies that will allow us to win. I'm just thankful they are allowed to call home, if they can't go to my space, who cares, it's a war for God's sake.

amen my sista!
(i know, i know, practice what i preached above):D
hey, i got some matches for you over here... and a can of gasoline

hey, i got some matches for you over here... and a can of gasoline


i know, if i knew how to remove the last post i would...
I just got all carried away in my passionate support of the troops :D

i am terrified of you, H2Andy!! please don't hurt me:blinking:
i am terrified of you, H2Andy!!


that's my goal in life, you know ....

If I may ask....can I get somebody to send me some spices like Garlic and what not. The food here sucks and I need something to give the same thing we had the other day a better or different taste to it.

Okay, Johnny and I got a bunch of those boxes Polly told me of. I sold my BP/W so I have to ship that out and am sending three boxes full of stuff to the sandbox.

I was running through the thread to be sure I got as much as I could. However, I can't find the post about what the women were wanting. Anyone know? I'll hang around the house here - gather some spices - and come back to see if anyone replied.



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