I have wasted my entire day re-working a SCUBA tank specifications list. I've been working with the Huron Scuba list for *years*, but I'm suspicious of the information: where did it come from? Also, it includes a lot of junk I've never seen in real life, as well as tanks that no one should *ever* dive. So, I completely reworked it.
My favorite part is that I've included links to where the data came from. In most cases, it's straight from the manufacturer, or at least a major US distributor. (So Blue Steel and XS Scuba for Faber, for example.) I've also added a few extra columns. The most important is the water volume of the tanks. With that, you can figure out the true capacity of the tanks -- and not just with air.
I'm including a PDF here. This is just the simple list with the water volume added and all numbers updated. This is for quick and easy reference. But I'm also including the spreadsheet I created as well. This has several additional columns. It has a column that calculates the true air capacity of the tank (including compressibility factor) from the stated water volume at rated pressure and the difference between rated pressure and calculated, as well as a column showing EAN32 capacity at 3600 PSI, and tank factors based on both the air and EAN32 capacities.
If all of that sounds too complicated, simply hide or delete columns E through J. And that's what the PDF is!
I've also both expanded and cleaned up the original list. I've added Worthington and Metal Impact tanks, and I've removed some goofy tanks (like Heiser tanks and weird MP tanks). The biggest items removed are the OMS steel tanks. I really wish I had a reference for these, but I can find nothing of verifiable value. It doesn't help that OMS doesn't actually make tanks, and they changed suppliers over the years... so without verification, I simply removed them. If you have a verifiable source (not just some random list on the Internet!), let me know!
There's more notes and comments in the spreadsheet, so check it out for further information.
I'd love any suggestions or thoughts you might have -- or sources for manufacturer specs, particularly for the OMS steel tanks, but also early PST tanks. I only have references for the E7/E8 (3442) tanks. If you have anything from the manufacturer for the LP or true-HP (3500) tanks, that would be good too.
P.S.: Grrr! You can upload MS Office formats, but *NOT* Open Document formats!

So, I've exported it to Excel format. Hopefully it'll be properly formatted for you... It expanded everything to a million decimal points, but it will still work.
Edit: Attachments updated 2019/09/15. See post #58 for more details.
Edit: Attachments updated 2024/02/22. See post #88 for more details.