Security for the ferry will be difficult to achieve without searching everyone and every bag. Like at the airport or cruise ship. But it is being taken seriously and new policies of some type will be implemented. The agreement was signed in 2004 so we should be expecting something any day now. They are talking about taking names of passengers.
A forced marches the Apiqroo

COZUMEL, March 3 .- The Quintana Roo Integral Port Administration (APIQROO), continues its meetings with forced marches to implement new security models at the San Miguel dock, something that had not been done, and had to be as a result of the attack on a Caribbean ship in Playa del Carmen so that they are interested in landing a project with greater seriousness; although it will not be as rigorous as in an airport enclosure where there is greater security guarantee for facilities, users, and means of transport.
This week ended with hasty meetings for the APIQROO, one in the middle of the week headed by its director Alicia Concepción Ricalde Magaña, another one, the afternoon of last Friday that in context was to pour brainstorming in order to submit them to analysis between the members of the Protection Sub Committee.
APIQROO, anxiously seeks to implement the so-called International Code for the Protection of Ships and Port Facilities, an international agreement in which Mexico is one of the signatory countries since 2004.
Raúl Marrufo González, director of the APIQROO in Cozumel, spoke about the issue after last Friday's meeting, which was attended by representatives from the Ministry of the Navy, the Military Garrison, the Federal Police, local shipping companies, and soon agreed to the placement of signs communicating to users the start of random revisions without specifying the start date.
It will not be on all routes, in fact the interviewee admits "I said it was random, we understand that we have 3 to 5 thousand people crossing the day on this federal route, then doing it randomly is not only random to the person but in the times. This is not carried out during the twelve hours of the day (in which they operate), it can be at different times, obviously not announced in such a way that we can do it with surprise ".
A different example on the island happens at the International Airport of Cozumel, where thousands of tourists also travel daily although in lesser amount to the dock, but they have to arrive up to two hours before to be checked and baggage checked by external personnel hired by Airports. del Sureste (ASU) concessionaire of this federal facility. Then there is another X-ray review done by personnel of the terminal administration company, and upon arrival of foreign commercial flights a random check is carried out by means of traffic lights that are activated randomly when a user passes.
Marrufo González said that those responsible for such revisions at the dock would be elements of the Military Garrison and the municipal police in prior coordination.
This Monday, Guillermo Rentería Zuñiga, APIQROO's Operations Manager, must present the procedures of the protection plan to the Port Protection sub committee for analysis and next week he would be meeting again about the results of the evaluation.
Something novel that arose and until now implausible on the part of the Harbor Master's Office towards the company Barcos Caribe, was to ask for the names of all the passengers who occupied a seat in the wrecked vessel on February 21, something that is not done with any shipping company and none have that information because the tickets are sold as if they were movie tickets.
So now, the APIQROO, says to be interested in applying this modality with the users who acquire tickets who must register with their names, although the idea still maintains sketch aspect is not yet a real project.
As for the tours of the municipal police, he says that they will have a greater presence; something that up to now they do not have it.