That's a bit flippant.
I understand it was *planned* not to kill people (well, actually, neither you nor I know that do we), but every accident that happens also wasn't planned. Those tourist boats didn't *plan* to sink a few weeks back. Poop happens. Done the bag drag and ferry ride multiple times. It doesn't take much imagination to come up with a circumstance where someone could easily have been killed. Sorry, putting an explosive on a passenger ferry to me indicates a blatant disregard for human life, even if your intent was just to scare. Sure, I could point an empty gun at you, but if I screw up and there's a round in the chamber, well..... If you aren't bothered by the fact that someone (? apparently ) associated with the other ferry did this, then I guess there's not much more to talk about. Virtually no one on the upper deck - well someone was. And what if there was a delay, or a friend was talking to a crew member, or the bomb went off midchannel (from what I've read these aren't' the most sophisticated), any one of hundreds of scenarios.
But I get it. Tourism is Coz's golden goose. This becomes a bigger story and we know where that goes. You and Christi and Eva.. everyone suffers. Personally I'd hate to see Coz infected with Cancun's reputation, but sweeping it under the rug like it's no big deal is even worse.
I travel extensively and rarely base my decisions on state dept or travel warnings, so this isn't some sky is falling reaction. In fact I am current;y booking a trip for this year using the ferries. I am just frankly surprised that mayhem is so easily excused.
But hey, maybe that's just MX (which isn't the rep you folks want or need)