Similar but different here:
Edit: This got a bit lengthy about questionable gear purchase advise, no teaching behavior described in here:
The shop I started out with in the US / did my OW with was is an all scubapro shop, focussing on recreational divers. To me they did well getting me in the door (the deal was right). The owners are nice people, the class was as expected for a lowest cost class I could find... no complaints. I supported them by buying my basic gear as my 25 or so year old snorkeling mask was a leaky beast (although the fins were scuba fins and just fine, my son still uses them), I went for the SB nova fins, knowing full well I pay well north of 30% more in the US than in my country of origin... (more with VAT return). I made up my mind to support the nice local guys. Then I looked into regs. wanted the most basic seald and cold proof ones and felt they tried a little too hard to sell me the $-wise top of the line ones with the sole reason besides fluff talk given "it is the best and it is live supporting". When I tried to find out from them why it is etter or in doing what it is better I started to realize I am being marketed to heavily and started feeling the whole friendship good guy / family thing may not be as trie and wholehearted as it really appeared at first... Whatever the reality, how things appeared started to change on me and my trust vaned. But I still tried to look at a BP&W, not because I knew then that's what I want, just because I saw no reason to not to go there for in case I later want it. Well, they tried very hard to talk me into a BCD... took me a while to reslize that no bp&w in the sales room in this case meant they really do not stock tech gear do not or tarely ever sell it and were heavily twisting the truths to sell what they had. The latter part, trying to sell what they had, did not bother me. The truth twisting was the death sentence. I bought my hear elsewhere.
That sort of taught me about "the kind of advise an LDS gives". (that likely is an unfair genetalisation, it also is likely not true that used car sales people are less than honest, but any first hand experience that breals trust, anywhere, usually causes ripples that maybe reach further than they need to).
Anyway, I avoided that alltogether and went to the web to buy our first gear (for son and me) Except I was not sure enough of what I wanted, so I looked further and found that it was quite costadvantageous to buy that gear in Europe (at the exchange rate then and 20% VAT return...
And I found a place that gave me what I thought was good advice too. I may have thought partially wrong on that as well, but I certainly did not / still do feel like any truths were twisted.
(Did I manage to buy all the with hindsight perfectly right things over the web as a diving newbie ... NO., but I felt good about what I got overall (still do) and I know i was not being had.... E.g. I bought an Apeks black ice BCD, because it is "tech like" & the adjustability range worked for my up and down weight struggle and because I was given a good deal ... In retrospect I should have stuck with BP&W ... but I made that decision making twist on my own... partially educated ignorance at work... and I bought a then brand new Suunto Eon, even so a $200 ... 300 DC definitely would have been the better choice until I knew more. The guy on the phone was perfectly honest about me not needing it... but it was shiny and just under $900 with sender in the end and I fell for it. My doing again, not the shops. A year later I would have gotten a shearwater... and I learned why sometims buying the lesser thing at first is the right move, even if it means you buy twice...
... but I am very happy with the Apeks regs I bought and the BCD I got for my son is perfect, because it fits two more family members...).
These days I found a considerably more distant local shop, which I like despite the distance because they are also a web dealer, deal in tech stuff to and are not really biased towards what's in stock.
I also find myself a bit surprised in retrospect how much I thought I knew what I wanted when I started out (because I am a smart guy and I read a little), but that thin layer of read up knowledge really was not the right foundation to try to predict where my diving and needs might be years down the road ... and it was easy to discard potentially good advise as bad LDS advise by (as a precaution) lumping it (unjustly) in with that initial bad LDS experience . My advise to newbies having to i.e. decide between "buy the best or near to and buy just once" and go cheap and buy what you really need when you really know is. It is rarely or only choice, the spectrum us broader (rent a while, used geat...) ... but to consider that latter, the go cheap option more seriously if there is any doubt at all about the first (best of) option. Very often the "lesser" gear really is just plenty good for what it's actually used for.