While this thread could easily turn into a focused discussion of LDS sales practices, it may be useful to remember how we started down this path of discussion.
One of the (several) roles that scuba instructors working for / within a shop may be expected to perform is that of a facilitator of shop business, specifically gear sales. And, a critical question is what represents ethical and professional conduct on the part of that instructor in performing that role.
Yes, I believe that shops in
some cases opt for encouraging the purchase of the most profitable (for them), highest margin gear by their customers. I do not believe that is good business practice. And, since newer divers are very often the largest group of purchasers, those shops are giving that encouragement to divers perhaps least knowledgeable about what constitutes 'value', even appropriate functionality. At the very same time, quite often the person doing the selling is acting on the basis of limited knowledge, and may truly that the product they are selling is clearly superior to others. I won't assign motives to individuals I don't know, only offer possibilities.
The issue in the context of this thread is what role does an Instructor play, and what is their professional responsibility.
Certainly, an Instructor who performs as northernone outlined in an earlier post :
How do we feel about instructors using fear and their position of authority as a professional to push equipment sales for which they make a commission on without declaring their financial interest behind their recommendations?
fails to rise to the expected level of professionalism, in fact to the 'duty of care' that can reasonably be expected. Instructors do hold a position of perceived authority and must use the privilege of such a position appropriately, lest they risk losing it. That doesn't mean that they cannot or should not:
a) encourage divers to purchase their own gear,
b) offer specific suggestions for gear purchase and configuration, or
c) facilitate LDS sales where they sincerely believe that the student / customer is being honestly and appropriately served.
Almost everyone, in every walk of life, engages in some form of selling, some effectively, some poorly. There is nothing wrong with 'selling' when you believe in what you are selling. There is nothing wrong with a dive professional selling. When I work with a student, I am 'selling':
- I am selling them on a belief system regarding diving and dive safety (e.g. good buoyancy and trim, proper dive planning, etc.);
- I am selling them on a way of diving that is respectful of the environment in which they dive;
- I am selling them on working with me in future training. I would rather they train with me than someone else who might be a 'bad' instructor;
- I am selling them on gear and gear configurations that I sincerely believe are optimal.
- And, I am selling them on the services of the shop I am affiliated with. (I have to believe in that shop, or I wouldn't be working there.)
Frankly, it would be a violation of my duty of care if I took the position, 'I will not discuss gear purchases, or future training, etc., etc. with you, because I am an Instructor and I don't do that.' In doing that I would be leaving them to make uninformed, or poorly informed decisions (I do have more experience, probably far more knowledge, than they do, after all). I would be leaving them to potentially being taken advantage of by others who might not see a 'duty of care' responsibility.
So, I would like to see the discussion continue to focus on what constitutes unacceptable behavior on the part of an instructor. And, part of that discussion necessarily involves consideration of 'selling'.