Unacceptable instructor behavior. I won’t write yelling, belittling etc because that is just unacceptable behavior in general. But here is what I walked away from:
An instructor who:
· Was more concerned with how many people get cert cards from him rather than ensuring they are trained at least to the minimum standards of the agency
· Did not assess his students skills and knowledge base—this can just be a conversation at the very least.
· Had crowded classes with not enough staff to ensure safety
· Did not observe students to make the determination if they should get said card.
· Was unaware of problems during the dive because of the overcrowded chaotic situation. Problems such as OOA, uncontrolled ascent ( OOA diver + buddy) that causes both to hit heads on cross beams of oil rig. Uncontrolled descent of overweighted diver first time in dry suit who could not seem to remember how to use bc. This diver required someone else to swim quickly down to halt the decent and bring her to the surface. There was A LOT of heavy breathing on this boat within the 1st 10 min of the dive when these 4 divers returned. Multiple lost buddies.
· Does not do a post dive review with students. Sure…I did everything you said…just give me my card.
· Gives dive plans such as “swim around and notice the hazards” for a wreck dive.
· Loses his buddy, then tells them they need to “keep up” and “why didn’t you just follow my bubbles”. Buddy teamed up with another pair and came aboard a full 10 min before instructor.
Instructor lost his buddy but found his limit of scallops.
A Student caveat: You are the most important key to learning how to Scuba Dive. Ultimately, your safety is up to you. If you don't feel comfortable with your instructor, the onus is on you to change that. Talk with them or fire them, just make sure you can trust and learn from them. Sure, it might cost you time and money, but it won't cause you injury or possibly your life. Take this seriously as your health and life depend on your choice of an instructor.
Yep. I was offered private inst after my complaint, but I determined my best course of action was get another instructor. Thanks Pete
@The Chairman , it was great training with you! I feel I deserve my AOW, and not just because I paid for it.
That is the essence of diver training. I have admired this quote so long that I can't even remember where it came from or how it evolved.
"The great majority of the cumulative knowledge presented in diving classes at all levels resulted from accidents that scared the hell out of, injured, or killed someone. Thanks to all the pioneers the preceded me, living or not."
I do admit I learned a lot that day. It got scarier and scarier as I reviewed all that happened and realized that we could easily have had a tragedy that day instead of incidents.