I am thoroughly enjoying this discussion. Part of me agrees with one of the expressed sentiments - it may not be best placed in 'New Divers . .', even though the initial post was aimed at that group. But, another part of me says, 'No. this is a discussion that people considering dive training will benefit from reading. It is a 'peek behind the curtain.'
Several points particularly caught my attention:
1. I think I understand Mike's points about instructors, about lack of performance reviews, etc. His comments seem to reflect a frustration that I share. I do see some Instructors who should not be allowed to continue teaching. Either they were never competent to begin with (and I am disappointed that they were allowed to instruct in the first place) or they have failed to maintain competence, motivation, whatever. They are relatively few in number, but they are out there. And it frustrates me. Students have a right to expect more / better. As an individual instructor, I feel an obligation to meet those expectations to the best of my ability. I know many instructors who feel the same way. But, I also know a few that don't. A prospective student may not know how to tell that before they start.
2. John also makes a good point about the challenges of assessing teacher competency. A lot of money is put into the process, and yet there are still teachers who shouldn't be teaching. I seriously doubt the scuba industry can do better, possibly not even as well. I have to do a FAA biennial flight review to maintain my privilege to fly. I approach it each time with both a bit of anxiety but also positive anticipation - I learn something from every flight review. But, I also encounter pilots who I think are incompetent putzes, and they apparently manage to pass the same process every two years, which makes me wonder about the effectiveness of flight reviews.
3. Over time, I have worked as an Instructor in 3 shops. I have never had anything approaching a proper performance review as a scuba instructor. Fortunately, in the shop I grew up in, the owner was passionate about teaching, passionate about promoting consistency among staff in teaching processes, passionate about adherence to standards, etc. and shared that passion with staff regularly. It was never done in a formal 'review' process, but it helped create a culture of excellence that still exists today among many of those staff members, 4 years after the death of the owner, and subsequent closure of the shop. I do believe that shop owners can, in fact must, mentor staff. However, I don't see enough shop owners / managers who actually have the skills to do that effectively. The good news - it is obvious that some do, and those are individuals who build and maintain very successful operations - they stand out like a bright light on a dark night.
4. I do not believe that I have ever yelled at or berated a student, in the manner Pete described in his initial post. However, I do adapt my teaching methods to the individual. One time I was conducting the OW dives for three teenage males. The Instructor who completed the CW training for the three told me that one of them might be a challenge - he had the attitude that he already knew how to do everything, did not take heed to instruction, he didn't listen well, etc. I decided to take what was - for me - a very atypical approach. I started out by stating formally - in front of the parents - that 'I am not your Instructor. I am here to evaluate you, on behalf of (agency name) to determine whether or not you should be granted certification as an Open Water Diver.' (I actually spoke with the parents in advance, and told them that I was going to take an approach during the class to capture and hold their attention.) During the first OW dive, on a couple of occasions, I also spoke sharply - not raising my voice, but speaking sternly - to the young man in question, in front of the other two students, e.g. - 'John (not his real name), that is not correct. You will have to perform the skill properly if you wish to be certified as a diver.' I intentionally took that approach to puncture his balloon of 'know-it-all-ism' from the outset. And, it worked, and he turned out to be a good student, and listener over the next three dives. Other instructors might have handled him differently, with equal success. I purposefully elected to 'get his attention' with that technique.
5. At the same time, I have thoroughly enjoyed working slowly and patiently with some divers who have anxiety (often, about the no mask skills - R&R, no mask swim, etc.). To see a student overcome challenges, to work through, and get past their fear, is a joy. And, I will take as much time as needed to help them. And, if they happen to be in a group class, I make every effort to move them into an environment where they can get the one-on-one attention they need, and deserve. They should be having fun. That doesn't mean there can't be some stress, and even fear, at times. Amusement park roller coasters are fun! Some riders have to work though anxiety, even fear, as the cars are inching their way up a steep slope, approaching that moment when they drop from the top, almost straight down. Most of the riders subsequently walk away with a huge smile on their face, laughing with each other about the experience. A very few walk away with a grim face and never ride again. That's OK. They have found that something - a roller coaster - is just not for them. We may not understand it, but diving is not for everyone. However, I don't want people to walk away with a grim face because an Instructor made it unpleasant. How many people would never take the roller coaster ride to begin with if the staff running the coaster started out by yelling to them to 'Hurry up! Get in the car and sit down! Be quiet and listen to this briefing or else. Get those hands inside the car, or they might get torn off during the ride! '