Looks nice and it will surely appeal to a good number of folks. The standard beater served us well - not sure I'd spend the extra but you never know. The locking bins are a definite appeal though I wonder if the locals will feel obligated to take up the challenge it will present. AFA the aluminum bed - hope you've thought through how that will be attached to the frame. Electrolysis between steel & aluminum isn't a pretty thing. Great stuff overall and GL with your new adventure
Excellent thought and.....Absolutely have thought the detail of how it attaches to the frame out thoroughly.
My father was a welder for over 35 years and he definitely had some input on that part of the process.
We have bushings (heavy duty rubber) that separate the steel from the aluminum so they do not touch for this very reason.
Secure boxes:
Certainly, nothing is infallible and comes with risk (re: lock boxes).....we can't guarantee that it will never be broken into. What we can guarantee is that it would take a well prepared person a long time to do so (dual reinforced with key entry). Most of the crime here is crime of opportunity (quick smash and grab) we feel this is a great solution for the average 45-60 minute dive.
Thanks for the well wishes ...