So much mindless dribble, so little time.....
A) The world is warming. Get used to this basic concept. This not only comes from meteorological recording but from a whole slew of measurements - from glacial movements over the last 100s to 10,000's of years to the drift in arid environment ecosystems to the very chemistry of the earths surface and waters... Tie this in with longer term measurements (ice cores, oxygen isotope ratios, tree rings, etc) and you get a very good picture of the earths temperature over the past 10,000 years (and indeed as far back as the Pre-Cambrian).
B) CO2 is a greenhouse gas. The science of CO2 is actually very well known. Get used to it.
C) The spike in temperatures over the last 100 years is without prescient, and it is starting to mimic the unnatural recent (past 150 years) spike in atmospheric CO2 (there is a lag as it takes time for the ocean to warm - as recent data is now showing).
D) The scientific literature indicates that we are now in a period of global warming that is progressing at an unprecedented rate, and the consensus of actual, real, breathing scientists, covering a wide range of fields- from biology to geology, chemistry to physics - is overwhelmingly in favour of a man-made component.
E) Many scientists, such as myself, could not care less about what Al Gore is doing - I for one have sweet F-All idea what he is pontificating, having not ever seen any of his media. Ditto scientific opinion does not buckle and collapse like a house of cards if one or two scientists 'move to the over camp'. I look forward to reading their papers if they ever do publish. I'm sure alarmists have gone too far (as with every Big Science issue that gets into mainstream media) but thats no reason that people should cling to their ill-founded but cherished beliefs, ignore the body of evidence and do nothing.
F) Science is plagued by a disease known as Big Science - issues that have become popularized such as GW, ozone hole, etc. Once a theory becomes Big Science everyone and their dog hops on the bandwagon, big egos start head butting, and governments and companies start pulling the purse strings of researchers like puppet masters. In the end science comes through with the evidence, but for a while its a gruesome spectacle.
G) Before people state get on their soap box on global warming they should learn what it actually referring to, spend a year or five learning what the actual evidence is, and then discuss
Dr Rohan.