Who needs 100%? As soon as the probability exceeds 50% it seems reasonable to follow the odds. The IPCC report didn't claim 100%......... just something above 90% as far as I recall.
Dr Rohan didn't claim 100% certainty in his post - he spoke of "consensus" being "overwhelming". 90% is pretty "overwhelming" in my book. He didn't speak of certainty though, so please stop making things up - it makes you look silly.
Excuse me, but isn't it the GW crowd who claims there is no longer room for debate? So now we need only a 51% majority in science for something to be accepted as fact? And, as I remember p must be less than .05 to be significant...i.e., anything less than 95 % likely is still considered chance. Oh, and try and convict someone with 90% of the jury.
Look, believe what you want, but the GW crowd wants to control MY life. They want to tell me what to drive, what light bulbs to use, what taxes I need to pay to clean up the environment, and so on. People who want THAT power need to be certain. We need to prove a case "beyond a reasonable doubt" to incarcerate someone. Likewise, before we embark on treaties that put our economic competitiveness at risk, we need NO reasonable doubts. And I think the opinions of dozens of reputatable experts who say it isn't so constitutes reasonable doubt, regardless of whether they number in the minority. I reiterate: science is not a popularity contest.
Could you produce a similarly long and credentialled list of experts who doubt that DNA is the source of genetics, or that special relativity or quantum mechanics are false? No.
Imagine this: the world's nutritionists suddenly announce that 75% of them are now certain that eating a diet of red meat alone should be the standard. Any fruit or vegetable matter has, based on the last one hundred years of data, will lead to catastrophic death rates. They urge the government to heavily tax all foods except for red meat, or to phase out such foods entirely. The 25% of nutritionists who disagree are said to be in the pocket of "big grain".
Our response would be: huh? Who died and made a handful of PhDs, who no one really listened before, the lords of our lifestyles? And haven't we been eating various diets for thousands of years without a disaster? And what about the minority who disagree, are they all wrong... I mean, if experts are still arguing, maybe we shouldn't take rash actions, maybe we should let things sort out. And besides, look how many times the food police have been wrong before. In the end, they would be ignored and laughed at.
Believe what you chose, just keep your hands off the levers of economic growth until ALL of you agree...yes, 100%.