Been over a month since I last dived the east coast. Thermocline at 5m where is goes from 26C straight to 23C, just glad I decided to wear my 5mm but forgot my hood, it was frikken cold.
First dive on Anemone Gardens was in really poor vis too about 3m, so no better than off Dubai shore diving, but at least it's warmer off Dubai.
A few squat lobsters around.

As well as Hypselodoris pulchella

Inchcape 2 had slightly better vis, but was just as cold, full of nudis including this pair of bonking Hypselodoris carnae

And the highlight was a Janolus sp moving around rather quickly

First dive on Anemone Gardens was in really poor vis too about 3m, so no better than off Dubai shore diving, but at least it's warmer off Dubai.
A few squat lobsters around.

As well as Hypselodoris pulchella

Inchcape 2 had slightly better vis, but was just as cold, full of nudis including this pair of bonking Hypselodoris carnae

And the highlight was a Janolus sp moving around rather quickly