So this week I had plans to dive over on the east coast with a friend from Sweden.
Monday was planned for diving with BDC in Fujairah but received a message whilst I was on my way to pick up Erik at a hotel next to Dragonmart, Coast Guard (CG) issued a full weather warning, no boats allowed out so we went to Plan B and dived Bulgari Bridge off Dubai.
Thursday was re-scheduled for BDC and in the meantime Erik had moved hotels to the opposite side of Dubai adding more time to the drive by one hour!
Up at 05:00, set off to collect Erik at his hotel 30 min drive in the opposite direction of where we were going to dive at 06:00 and got a message that the CG issued a full weather warning again
Plan B was to go to another area further north, but since none of the other two dive centres that I would use (Divers Down and Sandy Beach) would not be open to check we set off anyway. I haven't been up to that area in ages and there is a new road that I've only used a couple of times, so I decided to use Google Maps in order to not miss the turn off ...... BIG F**Ken mistake

Will start to use WAZE from now on.
Lesson learned here was sometimes the longest way to a place is the quickest! Next time will be the Truck Road via RAK.
Ended up on roads I hadn't used in years and some I'd never used before. Eventually reached Khorfakkan and called Sandy Beach, all good there weather wise, but only one place on the boat available at 09:00. Called Divers Down, and they had two slots available on their 09:30 boat, no weather problems.
Sat on the boat and ready to set off and send a message to some friends that we had succeeded in getting on a boat, when I received a message from the dive centre in Fujairah, that was Plan A, informing me that the CG had lifted the all weather warning
The dives we were now doing were kinda OW easy stuff, Dibba Rock 15m and Sharm Rocks / Three Rocks 10m, the gases I had with me were 34% and 40% based on the sites for Plan A

okay not a problem but we were also limited to 50 mins whereas Plan A would be limited to how long the gas lasted as Erik and I would have had the boat at BDC all to ourselves.
My camera gear was also set up for Plan A, Macro 60mm lens and what happened on the first dive ...... A FEKKEN WHALE SHARK ................ Bloody Murphy! but on a plus point Erik and I were the only two people on the boat not to see it
Photographically not great dives either, two best shots;
Broomtail Wrasse,
Cheilinus lunulatus
Porcupine Puffer,
Diadon hystrix
Ideally I should have had the 40mm lens for these fish as the 60 didn't allow me to get closer.
Water temps were 23C at Dibba Rock and 24C at Sharm Rocks.