A chilly 22C yesterday off Fujairah, but I was nice and toasty in my 7mm.
The downside was that I was slightly underweighted with my 6lb backplate along with the 4lb weight on a tank camband plus a 2lb weight on my wing camband.
The 7mm suit is still fairly new with less than 20 dives (Waterproof W7), and I added another 2lb for my second dive, but the buoyancy characteristics are horrible. I don't recall having the same issues with my 7mm semidry a few years back, but I think I wore a weight belt instead of positioning weights on the tank.
It was Barracuda Dive Centre's 15th Anniversary and all boats were in operation. I was diving with a couple of my regular buddies as well as another SB member that had contacted me as she was in the UAE this week for meetings.
First dive on Deep Reef had a couple of surprises, two
Goniobranchus tinctorios on different parts of the reef.
However we could not locate the Harlequin Shrimp
The sound dive was on Inchcape 10 and it was busy as the dhow had already moored on it. Lots of nudis, but lots of divers too.
I got practicing with my snoot and have some acceptable shots.
Hypselodoris dolfusi
Caloria indica