Spent the weekend in Fujairah with six dives planned, however, only managed five.
First two dives were solo on Inchcape 2, a plethora of Hypselodoris dollfusi on this wreck, I stopped counting at 20 on the first dive.

Conditions were really weird. It was relatively flat on the surface and at 6m no water movement at all, however, on the bottom 22m it was really surgy and this was the same on all the dive sites close to shore that I did (The Blocks and Inchcape 10).
I'm not sure of the reason, but perhaps something to do with the incoming tide on a new moon phase??
I was also using my snoot, which worked well on this scorpionfish

It was really challenging on the Blocks though with about 1m visibility and the surge, this was the best I could manage of a Flabellina rubrolineata

Water temperatures on Saturday were 26C on Inchcape 2, and 27C on the Blocks.
On Sunday it was 25C on Deep Reef and 29C on Inchcape 10
My best shot was the Thecacera pacifica (aka the Pikachu) laying eggs.

This was in a really awkward position plus with the surge I was having major issues trying to get a good angle in order to get a decent shot. It was totally impossible from the front. I did take a couple of snoot shots from the other side but the egg belt is not so obvious.
I pointed it out to another photographer and ten minutes later when I came back to see if it had moved round in the egg laying process (I had seen it was moving counter clockwise), it was gone !!
Someone had moved it!

First two dives were solo on Inchcape 2, a plethora of Hypselodoris dollfusi on this wreck, I stopped counting at 20 on the first dive.

Conditions were really weird. It was relatively flat on the surface and at 6m no water movement at all, however, on the bottom 22m it was really surgy and this was the same on all the dive sites close to shore that I did (The Blocks and Inchcape 10).
I'm not sure of the reason, but perhaps something to do with the incoming tide on a new moon phase??
I was also using my snoot, which worked well on this scorpionfish

It was really challenging on the Blocks though with about 1m visibility and the surge, this was the best I could manage of a Flabellina rubrolineata

Water temperatures on Saturday were 26C on Inchcape 2, and 27C on the Blocks.
On Sunday it was 25C on Deep Reef and 29C on Inchcape 10
My best shot was the Thecacera pacifica (aka the Pikachu) laying eggs.

This was in a really awkward position plus with the surge I was having major issues trying to get a good angle in order to get a decent shot. It was totally impossible from the front. I did take a couple of snoot shots from the other side but the egg belt is not so obvious.
I pointed it out to another photographer and ten minutes later when I came back to see if it had moved round in the egg laying process (I had seen it was moving counter clockwise), it was gone !!

Someone had moved it!