twin jets or jet fins?

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Are those xpertzooms the ones with the adjustable rubber bands?
I love my Twin Jets, but they aren't for everyone, as someone else said, if you can, try out both first before purchasing.
I have twin jets and jetfins. I like them both. They work differently. Twin Jets require a bit of aerobic work out to swim against current. And the jetfin is a bit like weight training. However if the current is too strong I dont think any fin can go against it.
Deep-6: i got an open-heel xpertzoom so there are adjustable rubber straps that came with it. someone suggested to replace it with diy spring straps but it think it would slip

thanks PhilF and mobeeno :)
No i mean the tensioners that plug into different levels on the bottom so you can increase resistance
oh... sorry about that... nope this is just the pretty basic stuff... no other technical thingamajiggs... this is how my fins look like in a closer view... but mine's black


here's me and my fins in action...


judging by how it flips and folds underwater, just imagine how's it in current... or i just don't understand deeply the science of split fins underwater
Split fins may not be the best choice for you based on the type of diving you do. It might also have to do with your kick strength. It also just might be something you have to work with more before going into any fast currents. Drift diving isn't really something we do recreationally where I'm from. We call it a "Flood Stage River." It usually entails a rescue operation and alot of throwbags full of rope.
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Just a question! Why have you narrowed your choices to either jets or twin jets?

I ask this because I have used jets for over 50 dives. The reason why I love them is the same reason why a lot of people would hate them. Jets are very heavy and very stiff! The volume water I can push with a single kick of jets is more than any other fin I have used. I have strong legs and these fins allow me to transfer kicking strength straight into motion! Once the same fin was borrowed by a diver who was a much younger, smaller guy. He started getting cramps.

for your situation, I suggest another paddle fin that lets you push as much water as your leg strength would enable. Mares Quattros or anything else along those lines. They dont weigh a ton and tend to be floppier than Jets. While each kick may not push you as far is Jets would, each kick will not take as much force either.

Just a thought!


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