Tues Aug. 24th Weigh In

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Maybe I can help.

I noticed you didn't say anything about water. Are you sure you're drinking more then enough water?

The second thing is the grain issue.
You don't have give up bread on WW. I found Natural Ovens light wheat bread. It only has 40 calories per slice and 5 grams of fiber per slice. This bread is a life saver. I have it for breakfast quite often toasted with real fruit jam on it.
If I know I want a sandwich for lunch then I save it for lunch and have a protein bar for breakfast. You must find this bread!

You say your biggest problem is eating when you're not hungry. That's fine. We all do it. Just find something that has no points. OK I'm weird but I'll cut up a tomato and eat it. It fills me up and has no points. Stick with it. We're here for you!

Thanks for the help. I do drink more than enough water - that's never been a problem for me (I can easily down 4-5 glasses with an average dinner. Not to mention everything else I drink throughout the day. I've always liked my water), so that's why I didn't mention it. I don't even think about it.

The other comments I had were specific to the new WW core plan. It's just being introduced this week, and it's different than Points. We just got the info last night, so I'm sure I don't fully understand it yet, but basically you can eat whatever you want in whatever quantities you need to feel satisfied from a list of "core" foods, and then you have 35 points FOR THE WEEK to spend on any non-core food. Unfortunately, things like bread (even high-fiber bread), power bars, etc... aren't considered core foods, so you need to use your 35 weekly points on them if you want them. The core foods that are starchy, like potatos, cereal, and brown rice, are limited to once a day (total, not each). That was where my concern about grains comes in. For someone that likes their meats, it's great, because lean meats are considered core, but I just don't think it's for me.

And, no, you're not weird. I love to snack on tomatos - especially now that they're in season and fresh off the vines in my backyard. There are few things better than a salted, fresh-picked tomato. Again, though, the no-points snacks works for the flex plan, but with core, it opens it up to the freedom to snack on more "dangerous" things, which was why I thought it wouldn't work for me.
Ah! I see. Everything you just told me about the new core plan I didn't know. Please keep us updated!
Well, today was the first day I checked in for over three weeks (damn travelling)

And I'm happy to report that even though there were many gallons of beer drank (Helena MT has a lot of micro-breweries) and all my meals were at some sort of a restaurant for 3 solid weeks, I checked in today at 239.5. That's the first time I've been under 240 in 2 years, and more than half way to getting all the way down to 220 from 265

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