TSA, the Fun Never Ends..

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I like my Glaser rounds in close or crowded areas. It’s amazing how polite people get when everyone is carrying. :D

Here’s one proposed solution.


I’m just glad they FINALLY started letting Air Marshals dress like real people instead of wearing the “uniform” of an Air Marshal while trying to blend in. It’s amazing it took 4 years after 9/11 to figure that one out, and I think it has done a lot to complicate terrorist plans.
Is this based on your personal experience with CCWs, or because you don't like the option of being shot down? The second option is currently in effect and has been since Sept 15, 2001.


You are focusing on the worst-case low-percentage high-impact event. I'd rather focus on the higher-percentage events that I'm actually likely to encounter, which is disruptive and/or drunk passengers. Now you've got 200 people stuffed in a small container with at least one person wigging out and you want to add guns to the mix? I'll pass. The vast majority of times, nobody needs to get shot on a flight.
I'll never fly on an airplane with any "controls" like the ones FredT proposes.

Are you allowed to even own a gun?
Are you allowed to even own a gun?

I am in my residence state; are you?
"I doubt it, I live in a civilised country"

I see... and are you just visiting Japan? I imagine you can hardly wait to leave and get back to civilization. China, perhaps?

Actually, Geoff, many of the most uncivilized places on Earth have restrictive gun laws. The UK, for example. Some of the most civilized, like Switzerland, have relatively liberal gun laws.
Here in the US, where gun laws are determined by each state, the most barbaric and savage states, New Jersey being an example, aggressively restrict gun ownership, while highly civilized and urbane states like Florida and Texas allow even mental defectives and small children free access to fully automatic machine pistols and SUVs.
Never mind TSA and the silly rules about gel, how would you like to have to suffer through this type of service?

Chris Lackner, The Ottawa Citizen

Published: Thursday, December 28, 2006
"Members of a Russian peewee hockey team who travelled almost 7,200 kilometres yesterday to compete in the Bell Capital Cup were shocked to discover their skates and sticks failed to make the trip with them.
The Moscow North Stars, a peewee AA team, arrived on a direct flight to Toronto at 3:15 p.m. to find their gear and luggage weren't put on the plane.
With less than 24 hours before the North Stars' first game in the international competition featuring 509 teams, organizers were scrambling for a solution.
Tournament officials and the Russians' host team in the Ottawa region -- the Gloucester Blackhawks -- launched a last-minute campaign to ensure the visiting team's 10- to 11-year-olds were equipped for their first game today at 1:20 p.m..
As soon as tournament organizers and Blackhawks officials were informed of the airport mixup, they began searching for ways to ensure the Russian team could still dress and compete.


According to Jim MacLean, an area hockey dad and co-ordinator of the Moscow team's visit, there is an unspoken bond between hockey players and families that emerges during an emergency.
"These kids' main purpose in life is to play hockey, so for something like this to happen it's pretty drastic," said Mr. MacLean, whose 11-year-old son, Matt, plays for the Blackhawks. "You'd hate to see the disappointment in the kids' faces if they travelled all this way and couldn't get on the ice at all."


After the Russians arrived just after 11 p.m. last night, the coach of the Moscow team, Dmitry Afanasiev, said despite the setbacks, he expects his team to do very well during their time in Ottawa. "We are very angry at the flight company, but we came here to play hockey and we are going to play hockey," he said through his translator."

I bet something was lost in translation with that comment about being angry at the flight company.

Some local businesses, other teams, and the Ottawa Senators have donated equipment. How the heck do you lose a complete team's set of equipment?
I doubt it, I live in a civilised country.
The same country that left 150,000 of it's troops in the PI to starve to death becouse it was too expensive to send ships to pick them up? The same country that endorsed canablisim of captured enemy soldiers? What about the Battan death march?civilised?:confused:
Some local businesses, other teams, and the Ottawa Senators have donated equipment. How the heck do you lose a complete team's set of equipment?"
"*Approved by Site Staff*

I received a call yesterday from another ARFCOM Team Member (Protus) about a very close friend of his who is a Master SGT with the 2/6 Marines based out of Camp LeJeune.
MSG Brian Cooney is the Ops Chief for Weapons Company, 2/6 Marines.

Brian and his fellow Marines in his unit are due to be deployed again to Iraq at the end of February. They were sent out to California for 6 weeks of additional training. As they were preparing to board the flight to return home, TSA officials told them that they could not board with much of their gear (personally owned). All of thier edged weapons and multi-tools were confiscated. Marine Security forces and TSA officials arranged for all of the knives and tools to be placed in a seperate box, placed with the other gear in cargo and would be waiting for them when they arrived in NC.

The long and short of it is the seperate box never made it and had "disappeared." I don't have all the details yet, but MSG Cooney will be along soon to share his story and experience with ARFCOM. He is an avid hunter, sportsman and shooter who cares for his men. As it stands right now, 160 Marines will be deploying in Feb sans edged weapons and multi-tools.

In discussing this with Protus and a few other friends and family, we are offering a Gold membership and a few bronze memberships via raffle for all those who can donate a knife or multi-tool for this worthy cause.

I know that times are tough for many of us, but things are going to get much tougher for these young Marines. Additionally, I encourage all of you to write your congressional representatives and let them know how you feel about the TSA taking vital tools away from our fighting service men and women.

Thank you all in advance for your generosity! Feel free to IM me or Protus for additional information."

Thats how. It's not lost, it was stolen. look for it on Ebay soon.

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