TSA, the Fun Never Ends..

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I like my Glaser rounds in close or crowded areas. It’s amazing how polite people get when everyone is carrying. :D

Here’s one proposed solution.


I’m just glad they FINALLY started letting Air Marshals dress like real people instead of wearing the “uniform” of an Air Marshal while trying to blend in. It’s amazing it took 4 years after 9/11 to figure that one out, and I think it has done a lot to complicate terrorist plans.

Didn't work out so well for this guy. Sure complicated his plans!
Thats just cruel...
Thats just cruel...

I know. We could send him trough with all sorts of items dressed all sorts of ways. :D I'd be willing to bet a nickel he'd keep his composure from then on out :ne_nau:
Richard Reed, the Arabic Muslim Shoe Bomber Terrorist was asked how he came up with the idea of planting explosives in his shoes. He said he just watched the insecrurity peopel to see what they didn't search, and since they didn't search shoes, he knew he could place explosives in them.

Ok, so now what areas do they not search? Entire bodies. So an Arabic Muslim terrorist just needs to strap explosives to his or her body, board the plane, then when in flight, shout Allahu Akbar! (God is Great!), detonate the explosives belt or Semtex suppository, and there you go.

Until such time that they do complete strip searches and body cavity searches, TSA Insecurity is a total and complete joke and a total waste of time.

And it will be a cold day in hell before I am going to let some guy do a body cavity check on me.
Detonators aka blasting caps have metal casings as well as wire. Also batteries show up on Xrays. Easy enough to bury a cap and it's wires in something to disguise it but it is a hurdle for them. Finding the fine line between common sense and twarting terror is hard to do. BTW Reeds "shoe bomb" would have been near impossable to function and even then it would have been a small detonation. Maybe hurt a couple of people but not enough to bring down an aircraft, in most locations of the aircraft.
Like a prison where there are 1000 people with nothing to do but try to figure a way out and 10 trying to figure ways to keep them in, terror is an ever evolving science. They learn, we adapt.
This thread should have been called:

TSA, the Thread Never Ends...
It is only a matter of time untill some terrorist decides to surgically implant a bomb. Wires, batteries ect. Even if you x-ray him; " Is that a pacemaker?" "Is he just fat?"
"Is she pregnant?"
Yow! That surgical implantation process must hurt like the devil. There reportedly
are training camps in certain "red" states operated by die-hard Republican Party terrorists, driven mad by their loss of control over Congress, and determined to wreak havoc in retaliation. Some of these Republicans are beefy enough to conceal more than 50 pounds of Semtex simply by letting their belts out a notch or two.

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