Triple-L BC's and Products in general

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Scot M:
I've had my Orion for a while now and I only have two minor complaints. First, despite the many D-rings, the Orion doesn't offer many options for storing gear. The single pocket is small and the belt has no unoccupied space. If you don't have pockets on your suit, you'll have to get creative or hang stuff from clips.
I actually find it better than my last back inflate (a Zeagle Concept), which had no pockets at all, and very limited unoccupied belt area.

Second, the cummerbund velcro is not strong enough if you use a lot of weight (30 lbs in my case). It's not a problem when you are wearing the Orion, only when it's off your body with all of the weights in. The web belt inside the velcro will keep anything from coming apart, but it's a nuisance. I usually pull the drop pockets out before removing the BCD.
You put that much in the pockets? I thought they had a max of 2 kilos each?

I love my Orion. The only thing wrong with it, is the lack of a crotch strap (let's not get me started on customer service again). I dove a 1300-gallon aquarium (10'x4'x4') on Friday with it. I'll post a few pics (sadly they are not very good) on my site next week.

wow, you have amazing customer service skills! Your hostile and defensive comments make me want to rush right out and support your company!
I do own some triple-l products and they are decent products and I am happy with them but I hope I never have to deal with any support issues if you are any indication of who I would deal with.
WOW is right. Jack your "tone" is atrocious. I've been considering some triple-L products but your online attitude is really talking me out of it!

I see on your profile that you are in marketing. I strenuously suggest that you do a search on the board for all postings by Larry at Read what he writes, not just his policies and business practices but his presentation and 'online attitude'.
You put that much in the pockets? I thought they had a max of 2 kilos each?
I put 8 lbs in each of the drop pockets, 5 lbs in each of the fixed pockets, and 4 lbs on the upper tank band for trim. It comes from being naturally bouyant and wearing a 7mm suit. :wink:

I think I'm going to make a crotch strap. The materials should cost me about $3.

I'd definitely like to hear of your experiences. I'm just a hair away from ordering one of these puppies.

ok, here goes:
I did my Search and Recovery adv. dive with it ( I'm now AOW :) ). I had no problems with the BC whatsoever (the problems I had were not necesarily BC-related: we went in over a rocky area and I was the only one with fullfoot fins - I got myself a few cuts and bruises :().

the bad part - not (directly) BC related:
I usually used 8Kg of lead and with a 5mm full neoprene wetsuit had neutral buoyancy; With Orion I was a bit negatively buoyant (almost breached the surface a couple of times). Luckily we were searching the bottom for a piece of lead (part of the search and recovery exercises) and once the exercise was over, I was able to put that in the front pocket of the BC; it was perfect from then on.

Also while exitting the water, I had a bit of a problem and my buddy tried to make sure I was positively buoyant: he grabed my power-inflator and over-inflated my BC and I ended face-down in the water with the reg. off. I almost had a good drink :(.

the good part :
It was my first experience with both back-inflation and weight integrated BC, and I won't look back!. The fit was great, and the BC is very confortable; You also get no squeeze around your body when you inflate it. Position in the water was perfect, and on the surface it's good, as long as you don't over-inflate it.

I used 9Kg of lead: 1 each in the trim pockets, three in each dropable pocket (althow the manual said they were for max. 2kg each), and one in the front pocket - which I added later, while underwater. The dropable pockets are easy to use and easy to pull out. I had no problems with them.

I also read someone saying the tank straps tend to loosen a bit; I had no problem with this, but I made sure to tighten them as much as I could (due to that warning). They have a label on them saying to make sure they are wet before tightening them, as they tend to loosen when wet. I didn't wet them and still had no problem.

[edit] I also have a crotch-strap - I bought it since it's cheap and specially made for this BC, but I didn't see a need for it.

My instructor said it's a good BC (very good value for the price). He also advised me to make sure I don't forget to open the chest-strap before trying to get the BC off: if you forget, it comes around your neck and it's not a pleasant experience :)
WOW is right. Jack your "tone" is atrocious. I've been considering some triple-L products but your online attitude is really talking me out of it!

I see on your profile that you are in marketing. I strenuously suggest that you do a search on the board for all postings by Larry at Read what he writes, not just his policies and business practices but his presentation and 'online attitude'.

Well thanks pennypue... what a nice thing to say! :blush:
Well thanks pennypue... what a nice thing to say! :blush:
Said with all sincerity Larry. I find your reputation impeccable and your online etiquette exquisite. :)

Maybe you could consult with Triple-L?

From a customer service point of view, sell some of these crotch straps (lordy, isn't there a better name???) to or leisurepro. Just to be able to get them into the hands of their clients. I'm surprised that someone in marketing cannot see the value of reputation and customer loyalty, which is something you earn.

Say, you didn't want to buy a manufacturer, did you? :D
clearly, you have never watched him eat....


Hey Scott... she was referring to my on-line etiquette, not my table etiquette... which you wouldn't know about as you've never offered to buy me dinner! :eat
Hey Scott... she was referring to my on-line etiquette, not my table etiquette... which you wouldn't know about as you've never offered to buy me dinner! :eat
I hereby volunteer to be flown to Mexico, at your expense, to spend several meals with you, at your expense, for the express purpose of evaluating your table etiquette. I promise to produce a full report for those on scubaboard, including photos. :D Scott, you too.
From a customer service point of view, sell some of these crotch straps (lordy, isn't there a better name???) to
This sounds like a good idea. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

How much do they cost, and when can I drive by the shop and get mine?


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