What if you figured out that you have reached your own limits with air long before 160ft? Like say at 110 ft? Should you still continue going progressively deeper with air? All the way to 200ft? For what purpose?
I think learning to dive air to 200 FSW (your example) isn't any different than someone diving a Cave. Both have risk that can be mitigated by training. Someone learning DA doesn't start by doing a 200 FSW dive anymore than a future Cave diver starts by entering a Cave on the first dive. They start out with a Cavern course and progress from there. One increment before the other.
You can disobey "the rules" at any time, on any type of dive (unfortunately, people do all too often). If you follow the rules (your training), you can do the dive until a predetermined point and scrub it quite safely. I'm not saying that DA is entirely safe; Diving CCR, decompression (regardless of the gas used), Cave, or Wreck all carry an element of increased risk.
Why should DA pose an unacceptable risk over any other type of diving? People who speak against DA are often not knowledgeable about how its suppose to be done. I think they envision some diver diving deep, staying at depth until they are totally waisted and foolishly tempting fate. That's not what's done.
There is a difference in a diver diving DA without proper training and another diver who takes the training and obeys the rules. It's no difference than the diver who enters a Cave without training and another who's certified to do so. In one case, the risk is foolhardy and the other one it's mitigated by knowing how it can be safely accomplished.