My take is how is how much helium do you need, how will you know if you haven't done a few deep air dives. What is acceptable end for me with he? 160 is my deepest on air, i remember every detail of my most recent. At least i have some perspective of my own personal end limits other than someone telling me. If your instructor is comfortable with you on air, and he dives air on a regular basis, why not learn under supervision?
What if you figured out that you have reached your own limits with air long before 160ft? Like say at 110 ft? Should you still continue going progressively deeper with air? All the way to 200ft? For what purpose?
add if you do the deep air, and are narced, why cant you signal to ascend to a shallower depth and finish your runtime? Getting narced isn't instant death. Oh i'm narced, lets ascend.... Noone has ever said no. You stay here.
What about the other way... what if you have to ascend on a very specific spot (the anchor line). At your furthest distance from the anchor, you or your buddy experiences a problem. You have to debug the issue and make decisions on the next course of action. Your breathing rate and your heart rate are increasing (as is CO2 loading).
Is your experience of diving deep air under the supervision of an instructor under benign conditions equivalent to what you are experiencing now? If not, is it possible that the conclusion you walked away with from your deep air experience in class gave you a false sense of abilities?
---------- Post added July 22nd, 2013 at 04:27 PM ----------
Maybe your team skills are so good, and your site selection and dive planning decisions are so exacting and risk-adverse that you yourself could never wind up OOG a ways from where you need to ascend, without one of your He-loving buddies in sight.
So, several things have to converge for this to happen.
- First, one gets separated from his buddy (and continues the dive long enough that...)
- Second, one then runs out of gas either due to another unfortunate mishap or just as a natural result of extending the dive as an inadvertent solo diver and going beyond one's gas limits. The former being two major failures in one dive, the latter being self inflicted due to stupidity.
- Third, another diver/team happens to be within the vicinity. This other diver is diving air as opposed to trimix.
Even though this scenario seems incredibly unlikely, let's for the sake of discussion say it does happen. How is deep air experience from a trimix class of benefit? If I am out of gas and the only gas that is available is air, I am going to take the donation and breathe air. Irrespective of whether or not I have any deep air experience. And unless a diver has any recent experience acclimating to deep air diving (which in itself is debatable as far as improving one's functional abilities diving deep air), the diver is going to be just as narc'd either way.
So again, what is the benefit of mandating deep air as part of a trimix class?
Like I said, how you dive is not my concern. I just don't get people who obsess over a 'proper previous planning preventing piss-poor performance' approach to diving, but avoid with evangelical zeal the gaining of any experience with air below whatever (ever-climbing) ideal depth they've been told is unsafe without He.
How anybody dives outside of your community is not your concern. And yet, here you are posting in this thread anyway. Why? If you are interested to share/gain knowledge, then isn't it valid for people to challenge your points? Are people just supposed to take your word as gospel?
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