1. Omicron is not as deadly as Delta. Lucky for us so far.Cases, schmases. Omicron generates more cases but fewer hospitalizations. A lot of people might rather get a mild flu than not be able to pay the rent or feed their family.
Mexico's death rate is much higher though and since Philippines testing rate is double I attribute it to earlier detection and treatment. It's impossible to truly compare two places due to so many variables but it appears to me that all the extra restrictions haven't much reduced the number of infections but the ample testing allows them to be treated better.
2. Mexico is a lot poorer than Thailand so I would imagine the medical facility is also lacking.
3. Extra restrictions probably have reduced the chance to import the virus. While ample testing allows them, infected persons, to be isolated and treated quickly.
4. Nothing work!

Opinion | Fifth wave highlights the flaws in Hong Kong’s pandemic policies
Use of the ‘Leave Home Safe’ app, hotel quarantine and policy consistency have all come under scrutiny. A well-thought-out pandemic management strategy that takes into account its medium- and long-term effects is urgently needed.


No quarantine required if travel from the "Green list" countries.