Dive insurance is one thing, travel insurance is another. I've never purchased travel insurance and I traveled to Cozumel in October annually for over a decade. One year a tropical depression decided to park itself over the island/region for a few days and that was bummer but no travel insurance would have kicked in as no mandatory evacuation order was issued. If it's windy and raining beyond belief due to a tropical depression and no mandatory evacuation order has been issued the insurance company is gonna say that's just tropical weather.
Realistically a hurricane could impact anywhere in October over a several thousand mile swath that generally spans from NC in the states all the way down to the depths of the southern Caribbean before you reach the ABC islands (Aruba/Bonair/Curacao) which are pretty much south of the hurricane zone. I say skip the travel insurance and travel with no concerns. The odds of you being at ground zero within 50-100 miles of the eye of a major hurricane in Cozumel during your 2 weeks in October are so small it's a waste of $ in my opinion. You caught your lightening strike of a hurricane in Coz already. I doubt you'll ever catch another hurricane strike on vaca there the rest of your life..
You don't need an evacuation in order for travel insurance to cover something. So long as it's some type of meteorological event that had a watch, warning, etc. that can be documented, it will be covered. Or, for example, if a flight could not fly and you couldn't get to your destination, your non-refundable deposit or rooms would be covered. I recently dove with some dive shops in the Bahamas that do not give refunds for any reason, including weather - and they strongly advised that you buy DIVE travel insurance. They required pre-payment as well. So, in this case, that would make sense, especially if you are traveling in shoulder season or a time when hurricanes are likely to hit. My experience is with Dive Assure so YMMV.
I would also look at it from a cost-benefit analysis. How much is the total trip going to be that is non-refundable? If it's not much, it might not be worth purchasing it but if you are running into the thousands for this trip and it's only $150-$200 for the peace of mind, I say go for it. Only you can make that decision for yourself. @ReefHound is also correct in that if you for some reason break a leg or something happens to you where you can't continue travel or dive, etc., that is also covered....So many instances that I don't care to ever find out about that are covered.
Your credit card also has some basic coverage, but a lot is also not covered so you'll have to read the fine print. I have the Chase Sapphire Reserve card that is known for great benefits but even for my dive travel purposes, in some instances, I still purchase the additional dive travel insurance with a high dollar trip. especially when non-refundable.