GeoBlue cost me and my wife $98 for a 11 day trip to mexico. We are mid 50's. $0 deductible, $1M limit, with $250k evac.
GeoBlue sounded interesting (until I checked out the policy). Same language, limits and exclusions that so many seem to have. They all love to sell insurance but when you need it and try to get claims paid you better have read the fine print.
Any claim related to diving - Bent, heart attack, anything happens while diving - You're medical benefit is capped at $10K:
"Benefits for claims resulting from downhill (alpine) skiing and scuba diving (certification by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) or the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) or other recognized national/international governing body required or diving under the supervision of a certified instructor). Reasonable Charges limited to the Trip Period Maximum or $10,000, whichever is less.
Emergency EVAC - You're going to the "nearest or most appropriate facility capable of providing adequate care":
Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefit If a Covered Person suffers a sudden accident or unforeseen illness, resulting in a life-threatening/limb-threatening medical condition, and We, or Our designee’s medical director, determines that adequate medical facilities are not available locally, We, or Our designee, will arrange for an emergency evacuation to the nearest or most appropriate provider capable of providing adequate care, without which there would be a significant risk of death or serious impairment. You must contact Us at the phone number indicated on Your identification card to begin this process.
Don't get on a plane or helicopter for emergency EVAC to that nearest facility without calling them and getting their authorization:
No payment will be made for charges for services rendered without the authorization or intervention of Us or Our designee
Repatriation - The insurance company's medical director will decide if it's necessary/covered and NOTE "Repatriation" which brings you back to the states is defined separately from (and comes AFTER) "Emergency Medical Evacuation". Bottom line you're getting treated in Mexico as they do not pay for emergency transport back to the states for treatment.
Repatriation after an Emergency Medical Evacuation Following any covered emergency evacuation, We will pay for the following if it is deemed appropriate by Our or Our designee’s medical director, in consultation with the attending physician: You will be transferred to your original location, the location from which you were evacuated from, or to Your permanent residence. If it is Medically Necessary that Your transportation needs to be medically supervised a qualified medical attendant will escort You. Additionally, if We and/or Our designee determine a mode of transport other than economy class seating on a commercial aircraft is required, We or Our designee will arrange accordingly and such will be covered by Us.
And to top it all off they say it again under
General Limitations/ Exclusions for Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation after an Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefits.
Transportation shall not be considered Medically Necessary if We or Our designee’s medical director determines that the Covered Person is receiving adequate care in their current location.
No more than one Emergency Medical Evacuation and/or Repatriation is allowed for any single medical condition of a Covered Member while covered under this Certificate. (You don't get an emergency EVAC to Cancun and then a second one to the states).
Any expense for medical evacuation or repatriation if the Covered Member is not suffering from a Serious Medical Condition, and/or in the opinion of Our designee’s medical director, the Covered Member can be adequately treated locally, or treatment can be reasonably delayed until the Covered Member returns to his/her Home Country or Country of Assignment.
Reading the fine print - just what does this policy pay for other than an initial emergency EVAC to the closest Mexican hospital they deem adequate and whatever your medical deductible is on your primary policy?
(Excess Coverage: The Insurer will reduce the amount payable under the Policy to the extent expenses are covered under any Other Plan.)
This is the problem with virtually ALL of these policies (or at least every one I've ever read)... People think they are covered with these huge dollar amounts and private jets will be scrambled to fly them back to the states just shy of Mach 1. That just isn't the case. I guess this insurance pays for a little of this and that but is it worth purchasing? Not in my opinion.