To answer the question of you being suppling outdated manuals.
The manual issued with the compressor when supplied new is the manual for that compressor serial number or build spec throughout its working life. And if the compressor is 20 or even 30 years old you will get the same 30 year old manual as when it was new.
Now if the original compressor is subsequently sold the manual for it still remains the same manual. The concept of outdated manuals passing around is not a valid criticism.
Now depending on the serial number pressure flow gas type and application some parts of a new build compressor may be the same as your build or maybe different, But again the manual for that new build will be different to yours with components listed dependant on the build serial number.
Further confusion can occur if customers keep calling it an SA-6. As illustrated below and wondering why the parts are different. Hope this clears up the outdated manuals issue.

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