I'm sorry that position seems to piss a rather few people off. It shouldn't. They have their own agendas. .
Once again, assigning motives. SMH.
Me? I make every attempt to educate my customers about how to determine required lift. I spend hours every week doing so.
A standard part of nearly every discussion I have with potential customers to clearly define the circumstances under which a particular gear recommendation is no longer valid, for example when a small warm water BC would be inadequate for use with more buoyant BC's.
To continue to claim I favor BC capacity well matched to the application is based on need to sell gear in the absence of education is simply untrue. You have yet to provide a single example.
Again, produce for me any customer that will report I 1) Sold them more gear then they needed, 2) Failed to educate them about why I made a particular recommendation, and when that recommendation was no longer valid.
I've declined many sales when I thought the user didn't fully understand the safe window for use, but I've never ever tried to sell people more gear than they actually needed.