To the OP, for what its worth, I use the same back-inflate for local NorCal diving (in a 8 mm wetsuit) & sometimes for tropical vacations. So it is possible, although there are drawbacks.
Its a Genesis "Tropics" BC. The name seems like a misnomer as it has 34 lbs of lift, which is fine for NorCal, but way more than what you'd need for tropical diving. Its not bungeed.
As I am a cheap bastard (bought it on clearance for $220) I tend to use it for all my diving. I like that it has two utility pockets. Its bigger than a travel BC packing wise -- that's a drawback.
However, I'd be interested in determining the difference in drag in warm water between my BC and a smaller bladder BC. If it was a significant difference, I might consider shelling out for a BC appropriate to warm water. I don't think it tacos, but I could be wrong.
I would be curious as to how you actually measured this. The reason I ask is that for years we have seen debates on the drag of one BC vs the drag of another and yet no one has ever seen or referenced an actual study where the drag was measured of BC's or at least I never saw an actual link to a real test method. It was always based on feelings.
Very much agree with the last 2 sentences. I had always heard the claim that a BP/W had less drag than a stab jacket, but I never saw any numbers to back that up. To me, it seems like whether the bubble surrounds your body, or is on your back, it wouldn't make a big difference for drag. If anything, I could see a stab jacket giving someone a seal-like profile (as opposed to I guess a Mickey Mouse head profile), and being beneficial in terms of drag, compared to a BP/W. But Im no scientist or engineer, so I'd like to see smarter folks than I come up with the actual numbers.
And Im not trying to defend stab jackets -- they are not my preference. However, I'd just like to see them discussed based on hard facts, not biased views.
The testing REVAN describes is the first time Ive heard of an actual hard measurement of drag. Good to see. I would love if such testing could tell me if my 34 lb. lift BC is significantly dragging me down compared to a smaller bladder.