Tobermory ON Aug 27-31, 2007 Come One Come All (2)

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Just checked my profile for the Arabia. My computer was reading the low temp I reported above for about 3 minutes, and nearly that temperature for most of our time on the deck. Not to say that it stabilized, but it sure looks like a level reading!

Red Devil, yup, that's what I remember! Checked my pictures to see if I caught anyone in the background. I didn't catch the van, but as we were getting out I have a picture with a man and his two daughters (?) getting in to snorkel. There's a guy with a white shirt and black or navy shorts standing with short dark hair on the deck, and another person with long dark hair in a pony tail walking in the rocks approaching the stairs up onto the deck.

Sorry gang, my pics of the Arabia look like poo. The moisture inside the housing condensing on the lense and low light combined to make most just plain blurry. I have a couple good ones, including TG behind jib boom, long ears over the starboard anchor, and 2-3 others.
Steve_Dives - sounds like a pretty good description. Van would have said "Red Devil Scuba" on it.

They said the vis was about the same as what we had during the weekend. Due to the lake turning over the vis was about 20' less then what we are used to for Tobermory. Plus side was that it sounds like at least on the bottom the water temperature was higher. You folks had 52-53 on the arabia. Basically unheard of - normally low 40's.

I had 49 on the Arabia. A little lower than the others, but still higher than normal. Last year I had 45 on it.

The temps I recorded nose dive at about the point we pass through 65 feet. They started recovering as we passed through 75 feet on the ascent, and pretty much leveled out on our 40 foot stop.
Glad you had fun - hopefully I will eventually get a chance to dive with you. And for the anchor try: The simple way to find the anchor Sounds like you folks were a bit shallow

Just got around to checking the link! Yeah, that was one set of directions we used. We tried averaging directions from several sources. I guess it will just be a reason to go back!
I'm diving Toby during the last weekend of September. I plan on checking out the Alice G to see if the infanmous note/map is still there and also going to dive the anchor. I have never dove the anchor but judging by the directions I hope that I have a decent chance of finding it (I figure if I make it to the Feryy then I have gone too far). I'll definitely let you know how I make out. P.s. - not sure which weekend but I am planning on making a trip down to Gilboa - anyone willing to suggest a date so I can meet up with some of you fine folks?
Uh, oh...fine folks? Not sure when they're diving, but I made plans to be there for the M&G the last weekend of September. There's also a cool chick looking to make her 100th dive in the next couple weeks, and I may be able to get over there (my gear is going in for service).
Me: I'm thinking ... middle of the week in toby, group of Americans (friendly ones too) Trucker Girl said they were doing the tugs on Tuesday ... could it be just a coincidence? Only one way to find out for sure: "Did one of them happen to have a pair of rabbit ears on?"
Him: Look of absolute disbelieve "Yeah, how did you know?"

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: See how easy it is to identify my group :eyebrow:

We made it home safe and sound. I'm not sure if TG and crew realized it but we were all waiting for Customs together. Ken had taken his group to the left and Bruce and I had the boys behind us to the right. Adam brought me his portable drive and I loaded my pictures on it for him while we waited. Not sure how suspicious it looked when I hopped out of the truck and took the little box back to him, we only had a couple cars in front of us by then. Nobody asked us any weird questions though :D
Ber :lilbunny:

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