ok friends ... so here's the test, two of my "primary dive buddies are husband and wife. they both have 100% custom DUIs ... whew that had to hit their wallet eh?
they are M I S E R A B L E in their dry suits and are sickened by the comfort i find in my BARE. they are also not content with the service from where they bought the suits. (I bought mine at the same shop actually).
they too fall into the (ill just suffer diving wet rather than diving in a drysuit that doesnt fit) category
so heres the deal. DUI will be truly put to the test this saturday. our local training facility has a DUI demo day.
im ridiculously anxious to see DUI's "incredible customer service" as im blown away by some of these stories. for those of you who know me in person and on the board, you know integrity will be a driving force behind my update on this next week.
if i sound skeptical its because i AM. my friends dropped a pretty penny for DUI customs that clearly look to be made for beings from holland for him and a man for her (crazy tall and no chest)
be certain that i will follow up.
wish you were right ... about ANYTHING you said....
my friends were measured by DUI originally at BTS. they were remeasured by DUI at a demo day.
shame on you and you may consider removing your post since you are clueless about the situation and did as so many do, chime in before researching what you are offering your 2cents about ... next time ask a question before ASSuming since we all know what that does.
So Ronzo -- are you saying your friends were remeasured now? What were the findings? Thanks!