I wish I could say we'll have pics but, there are technical issues to work out so, we'll see. Its really odd diving without the camera but, I kinda like it actually. Who am I kidding? I love it no matter what I'm doing!!
So, we overslept this morning and got to Capt'n Dons around 8am for our first dive. Froze my butt off in my 3mm and bunny beanie. I don't know the names of some of the things we saw but, they are easy to describe. And I don't have my ID book nor do I want to take the time right now to look them up. Let's give a big hooray for Phil!! He is finding and identifying so much after taking the dive with the Naturalist class. Really proud of him. He paid more attention than I did and is even teaching me some. He found a stone crab and a scorpian fish. I spent a lot of time just enjoying the scenery of the thousands of fish getting their day started.
However, my BIG find was a doozy!! Really made my day!! I found it at the top of the wreck between Capt'n Dons and Buddys. It was a juvie of the black fish with the yellow tail and electric blue spots on it. Just a baby skittering around with electric polka dots all over his body.
I've only seen that 1 other time in Grand Cayman. I managed to get a few pics but, we'll see how they turned out.
Next we headed down to Invisibles. A lot of things were going on so, I'm gonna talk about the buddy aspect of diving for a minute. Its the middle of the week and we're working out some kinks. Just some logistics on who should be where and communication. I have to give Phil some huge props. He is a great buddy. Haha and he has trusted me to navigate!! Insane? He could be! He's a Geordie after all.
This was a really fun dive!! Its set up different than the rest of the reefs. There are a bunch of large islands of reef and a 2nd reef further out. It can get really confusing after doing all of the other standard type reefs. No only with direction but, depth as well. I am extremely proud to say that I took us right back to the buoy. Was soo happy about it, I did a happy dance for a bit to the tune "Car Wash" since I had it playing in my head.
That dive Phil saw stacks of trumpet fish and needs the book to identify the rest. The interesting finds for me were 2 different morays and that white spotted snake type eel thingy. The morays were interesting to me because of their colors. The first was white with black spots but, there weren't a lot of spots so he looked kind of albino. The second was completely black. Also found a small anenome with a smaller corkscrew anenome next to it. They had a rather large cleaner shrimp (the brown and white striped body) in it. I tried again to see if it would clean my fingernails. Got the advice on putting hand in sand to brace it and then hold fingers in anenome. He wasn't buying it. I think the shrimp don't like my bunny ears.
Anyhoo, we are off in a bit to Witch's Hut and then, we're doing Salt Pier with one of the dive shops. Will try to come back tonite with an update.
And one more thing....I fell on my left thigh coming out of the Invisibles. For the first time I'm really happy at that 20lbs I gained from quitting smoking this winter. Literally felt like I bounced back up.