Thread pulling

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Can we tell them to search for the answers? I already answered this a number of times:

And for all you others that constantly whine about threads being pulled, and not locked, or cleaned up, or otherwise. Give it a rest. The moderators are volunteers, and only have so much time to deal with this stuff. When a war brews, they have to keep up on the moderator discussion of the thread, send the PMs, keep the offshoot threads under control, deal with the responses to the PMs. Now with all this going on, there are the folks here [some who should definately know better] that wish them to go through with an objective comb and clean up the thread so that others can continue to fly off the handle later... all ni a matter of a couple minutes since the offshoot threads of "where'd my thread go" will start up after about that much time. There has been _far_ too many times where a thread starts demanding their PM for a thread being pulled, when the thread had been pulled for literally 30 seconds.

Sure, armchair quarterbacking makes the mod process simple. But until you've tried to do what's best for the site while dealing with everyone exploding around you, you really have no idea.

So I humbly request you people SHUT THE HELL UP and go talk about diving. If you want to ***** about the big jackbooted ogres on scubaboard that get their thrills squashing the little people with their massive amounts of power ... I think Genesis has his own board now"
...snip ... I think Genesis has his own board now"

We try to do our best and take our responsiblities to the board and to its members very seriously.

Think Genesis would let me moderate his board to :wink:
well me, I have gotten my posts pulled many a time..... and I hold no hard feelings..... sometimes it was bogus why it had to be done, but there is a TOS- and actually I think I helped add to it!! :) I just go on like this- I like to run my mouth sometimes, and I am not going to use any cursewords or be very abrasive, but sometimes things slip.... Like once I made a comment about Baltimore that said the truth but some of the stuff that was the truth was really PG-13. that post got deleted, and I understand why.
I woke up really early one morning and all the UK divers have got a great thread on the tech forum about how to perform certain social interactions at 200ft. Good details on the right kind of beavertail wetsuit to use and other useful information. I go to get the wife so she can read it too. By the time we get back, I guess the puritan moderators in North America had awoken and the thread was gone.
I woke up really early one morning and all the UK divers have got a great thread on the tech forum about how to perform certain social interactions at 200ft. Good details on the right kind of beavertail wetsuit to use and other useful information. I go to get the wife so she can read it too. By the time we get back, I guess the puritan moderators in North America had awoken and the thread was gone.

Is it "puritan" to expect our members to abide by the Terms of Service you agreed to when you became a member of this community?

You are aware, I assume, of what you agreed to? If not, please give them another read ...

And if it bothers you so much to abide by the rules, perhaps ScubaBoard isn't the place for you. There are lots of places you can go talk about how to enjoy sex underwater. This isn't one of them ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Hey, I was just readin' not writin'. As a north america, I can't acknowledge the existence of such activities other than for the sole purpose of creating grandchildren. I can only observe with horror and disdain our European brethren that can discuss such illicit topics with no shame.

I really have no expectations of other members. I expect that you will enforce the TOS and you did so.

I didn't realize that it was against the rules to read it while it was active.
I didn't realize that it was against the rules to read it while it was active.

It isn't. Neither is it against the rules to complain about the ToS being enforced ... or label someone "puritan" for enforcing them. But it does come across as rather ignorant ... if you were familiar with the ToS you would understand that the reason the thread got pulled had nothing to do with puritanism and therefore you would have no reason to complain.

This isn't an adults-only board. We have many pre-teen members. So let me ask you ... if you had a 12-year old daughter, would you want her reading the thread you're complaining about?

You might ... but most parents wouldn't.

I'm not the moderator who pulled the thread ... but if I had seen it first, I would have been. Doesn't mean I'm a puritan ... only means I believe it's an inappropriate topic on a board that is meant to be accessible to our younger readers.

If the rules bother you so much that you have to come here and call the moderators names for enforcing them, then perhaps you should consider spending your internet time someplace that is more appropriate to the sort of discussion you wish to engage in.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
This isn't an adults-only board. We have many pre-teen members. So let me ask you ... if you had a 12-year old daughter, would you want her reading the thread you're complaining about?

You might ... but most parents wouldn't.

No way, my ancestors came over on the Mayflower also! She can find out about that stuff after she gets married which will be when she's 30.

I'm sorry I called you guys puritans. I only meant it in the "we're too embarassed to have nude statues in our town square sort of historical sense", not as a direct and personal insult.

I understand why you removed the thread and was mostly amused by how long it had lasted. But this is the whine forum, so I'm really complaining about the overall lack of openess in our US society to discuss any topic in a mature and analytical way.

Since children are present on Scubaboard, this is of course the right decision.

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