I think some of the points I was trying to make in an attempt to help out the OP in making an educated decision (in the context and without restating what had already been stated), may have been lost in translation. So, to summarize, and I have no real horse in this race:
3. If diving with Aldora, you might end up going north to pick up others in your group, only to come back south right past where you were picked up before continuing south to dive.
4. I didn't mention it, but in my case, the same thing worked in reverse. After our morning dives, we traveled right past the downtown pier and continued north to drop off the family staying at the Aldora Villas, before returning back south again to drop me and my buddy off. I am not sure if this is still the current practice, but it did add some significant time to our day that made no sense to me. If I had been staying at the Aldora Villas, I would have LOVED it! I could have slept in later, eaten at a more leisurely pace and got back to my villa even earlier. In my case, I was staying downtown, which is the context of this post.
5. Your dive times might or might not be in the 80-90 minute range that gets so highly touted as a "value added proposition" of diving with Aldora. It is going to depend on the group you end up paired with and diving with on your boat.
6. Apparently and I absolutely believe it to be true, Aldora will do their best to pair groups up according to experience and SAC/RMV rate- but in my case it didn't happen, in spite of every attempt on my end to try and make it so- including pre-dive and arrival communication, on the boat communication, dive logs, cert card demonstration.....
7. This may or may not be relevant to others. Each person can weigh out the cost to benefit analysis for themselves, based on their personal preferences. Lots of variables to consider, in my opinion.
I wasn't trying to push an agenda or a particular dive op. Just trying to share some experiences and things to consider and follow up on.