The Swine Flu thing...

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Lordie, the caca never stops...! :confused:
:shakehead: There you go again DandyDon. Pulling another fire alarm......

This is NOT a pandemic. The WHO has not characterized it as such.
WHO | Current WHO phase of pandemic alert

As of this writing:
The current WHO phase of pandemic alert is 5.

Phase 5 is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short.

Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5. Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way.

Seriously DandyDon, what is your problem? Now that this "threat" is winding down you're now pulling alarms about the second wave that will be the big killer?

I don't know or understand what your agenda is, but it is clear you have one. For a guy that continually tries to come across as the arbiter of fact, your hypocrisy speaks louder than any of your words.
You seriously object to me referring to the outbreak as a pandemic give that...?! Gawwwwd! Would you like me to use the word piglet rather than pig too...?

Ok, it's a phase 5 pandemic. Happy?

As as far as "...the second wave that will be the big killer?" yeah, that's what history has taught us. Gadzooks, what is your anti-information agenda?
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I guess you're all packed, got all your relatives organized, etc? What time you leave for the airport? Have a great trip...! :pilot:
I have to be at the airport in about 5 hours. Nighty night. This has been fun, you guys, but I've got much better things to do now. :D
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow Gordon, we're diving up north for the first time and looking forward to something a bit different. Today on Delilah we saw a number of huge nurse sharks, hawksbills, lobsters and crab out in the open, juvenile drumfish, eels and a splendid toadfish or two. Two really nice dives today.. The crowds are few, the weather is great and the diving this past week has been wonderful. We fished on Wednesday and got four 25# dorado and a few barracuda, but MAN was it rough around the south point. Wynston will cook it up 2 different ways with veggies and mashed potatoes for about $8-delicious!
No offense taken, Miguel. We just must be reading different information on this flu outbreak. Here's a link form CDC that advices non-essential travel to Mexico to be cancelled/postponed. They also says that people should NOT freak out, BUT BE MINDFUL AND TAKE CERTAIN PRECAUTIONS, which I agree with.

Swine flu: Your questions answered -

FROM PILOT FISH QUOTE:maybe ALL non essential travel should cease for a few weeks? That surley would help contain it, right?


WHO | No rationale for travel restrictions
No disrepect taken, Miguel. Perhaps I have access to less biased info than you are getting in Coz? Anyway, the flu is spreading and it's **MY** guess its because people are still ignoring the travel advisories? There has to be a very good reason the CDC is advising AGAINST travel to Mexico? Are you suggesting we ignore what the CDC is saying?

Number of confirmed H1N1 cases worldwide soars -

with all due respect you seem to know more than a lot of the people that live and work in cancun so according to wich official agency united nations, mexican or us goverment are you referring has quoted that there have been some cases in cancun??? A day before yesterday an poor old man died of pneumonia , the government just to be sure sent samples to check if it was the human influenza virus and it came back negative, i am not denying that a lot of people with any little flu come in to hospitals to check themselves but that is it,every precaution is been taken just like the cases of cities in the USA about the new york cases it has been said they caught it here,but they also might have caught in on the plane or another airport. but there are still no cases here no confirmed official and i mean who (world helath org), cdc, mexican health official statements etc. Me like a lot of people here and clients and divers are not following so much the media information but the real official info.
Again no disrespect meant but in this matters it is wise to speak being totally informed of this situation. Not just what the media or someone says.
No offense meant let's just clarify information and be well informed please and i am not down playing the situation.
Firefyter & Christi, if I'm reading the results of the the flu mortalities correctly, more people have died in Mexico from the swine flu than diving fatalites WORLD WIDE - since the outbreak of this flu. Anyway, as in diving, you take precautions to minimize/avoid risk and you should do the same with regard to this flu outbreak.

All I'm sayin is that some people we know are waaaay more likely to die due to their own mistakes made on a dive trip than they are from the flu, and I think their energies would serve them better trying to rectify that.

I'm just sayin :wink:
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I hate to see an adult cry. Things will eventually get better - they always do. Please read the link below and maybe you will get an idea of why a lot of us are very skeptical of the info coming out of Mexico, especially the hot tourist areas of Mexico. They have a lot of income at stake and PERHAPS that is clouding their reporting/judgment?

Swine flu: wall of silence in Mexico's Cancun holiday resort - Telegraph

For crying out loud!

What "increased infection possibilities in Coz" ???

There are NO cases suspected or confirmed of this flu in Cozumel! There IS however a confirmed case in Missouri where I live. There is NO increased infection possibillity IN Cozumel. Maybe in traveling there, but not once there.

There also are NO "Cases in Cancun". Only cases in NY of people that flew out of Cancun. No one in Cancun has been confirmed to be infected. They most likely caught it on the plane from someone making a stop in Cancun on their way from Mexico City to NY.

Did you even bother to read his comparison of staying away from Key West because there are infections in NY????

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