The Swine Flu thing...

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President teleprompter thats pretty funny lol,
It's only 2.5 hours from DFW. Ya think it's only 600-700 miles from here? Lighten up on the fear mongering, you sound like a reporter on CNN or something....
Oh Good Gawd. See above, then try to appreciate facts more, ok?

I do appreciate facts. The problem is you aren't giving any. The facts are that it's still farther from Mexico City to Cozumel than it is from Mexico City to Austin and it's almost as far to DFW and a large part of Texas.

All I'm sayin is that some people we know are waaaay more likely to die due to their own mistakes made on a dive trip than they are from the flu, and I think their energies would serve them better trying to rectify that.

I'm just sayin :wink:

Cute. Really cute. If you can't use fact, act cute.

The sad thing is, what I said is a fact. You can't refute it, so you blow it off and continue to try and feed the hysteria. There are none so blind........
This is getting a little out of hand. Don's a good guy, so is just about everyone else on this site. We just have different opinions. Some have stated incorrect facts. I'm sure I've been less that 100% accurate on a few of them myself. But I wish we could all agree to disagree and stop trying to change each other's minds. The WHO has spoken. We've all heard the actual facts about where confirmed cases are and where they aren't. We all know that there's an increased risk in a confined space with a lot of strangers like on a plane. That's a no brainer. I think it's up to all of us to decide if traveling is something we're willing to do with what's going on, and if we decide to do it, I hope we all practice the common sense precautions that we've all known since our moms taught them to us.

Can't wait to see Cozumel again in July! :wink:
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I do appreciate facts. The problem is you aren't giving any. The facts are that it's still farther from Mexico City to Cozumel than it is from Mexico City to Austin and it's almost as far to DFW and a large part of Texas.
I guess you missed it. It's 808 miles from Mexico City to Cancun according to the site noted. I never said anything about how far it was from Mexico City to Austin, just that it wasn't a thousand as has been bantered. Not that it matters as the bug has traveled much further around North America and beyond, Coz could be 8,000 miles from Mexico City as far as this insane discussion goes with no immunity, but for the record: Fact: Mexico City to Cancun - 808 miles; actual air miles to Coz not listed but somewhat similar. Jeeze. :shakehead:
that's a bit misleading, unintentionally i'm sure, because while the trip to coz would be as safe as a trip to any other place, it's the increased infection possibilities in coz that have people worried. Keep in mind that there have been some cases in cancun and travel to and from coz occurs daily.

with all due respect you seem to know more than a lot of the people that live and work in cancun so according to wich official agency united nations, mexican or us goverment are you referring has quoted that there have been some cases in cancun??? A day before yesterday an poor old man died of pneumonia , the government just to be sure sent samples to check if it was the human influenza virus and it came back negative, i am not denying that a lot of people with any little flu come in to hospitals to check themselves but that is it,every precaution is been taken just like the cases of cities in the USA about the new york cases it has been said they caught it here,but they also might have caught in on the plane or another airport. but there are still no cases here no confirmed official and i mean who (world helath org), cdc, mexican health official statements etc. Me like a lot of people here and clients and divers are not following so much the media information but the real official info.
Again no disrespect meant but in this matters it is wise to speak being totally informed of this situation. Not just what the media or someone says.
No offense meant let's just clarify information and be well informed please and i am not down playing the situation.
FROM PILOT FISH QUOTE:maybe ALL non essential travel should cease for a few weeks? That surley would help contain it, right?


WHO | No rationale for travel restrictions
I found the following artlice very interesting, seems H1N1 has been under the microscope for a while:

H1N1 Tamiflu Resistance in the United States Increases to 96%
Sorry, I was posting to a lot of caca at the time and didn't look at yours closer at the time. That H1N1 is resistant to Tamiflu, but the A/H1N1 responsible for as many as 176 deaths so far in Mexico is not yet resistant to Tamiflu - so the doses that Obama recently directed to Mexico may still be useful. :thumb:

Now we have several looking for other possible origins tho...?
The Veracruz farm ran by a subsidiary of Virginia's Smithfield Foods was implicated in the origin, but they're claiming all tests are negative and all inspections have been passed. I'm sure it's a disgusting place, crowded pigs, piles of dead carcasses awaiting disposal, sewage lagoon, but such are common to industrial animal farms these days. Anyway, doesn't seem to be any current proof it came from there? Not that I necessarily believe their claims of innocence, but no proof has emerged yet.

It seems that many from Veracruz work in Mexico city, but returned home for Easter, perhaps bringing the infection there then, rather than the otherwise presumed opposite travel of the infection.

A Bangladeshi immigrant who died in Mexico City had recently be visited by a brother from home and there are some reports that the brother was ill during the visit. I'm sure those things are difficult to investigate and the brother cannot currently be found.

Some California US doctors are finding evidence that may suggest that the illness existed on the US-Mexican border for months, having been accepted as Seasonal flu, and perhaps spread from there to the north and south both before being identified as a new strain?

There seems to have been some overseas reports that tried to blame China as the origin, but those have been largely dismissed as groundless.

The virus's genome sequence 'corresponds to a Euro-Asiatic strain...​
So suddenly we don't really know where it came from? Finding the true origin and how it affected others may be useful in fighting it.

It's expected to die out over the summer, then return along with other strains in the conventional flu season, but feared that it may acquire Tamiflu resistance from the similar H1N1 that is already resistant and here. As with other pandemics, the second wave could be the big killer.

Still no clear word on why it killed so many in Mexico but not elsewhere? I do hope the bad has past and that it is winding down so we can use the time to work on preventing the second wave.
As with other pandemics, the second wave could be the big killer.

:shakehead: There you go again DandyDon. Pulling another fire alarm......

This is NOT a pandemic. The WHO has not characterized it as such.
WHO | Current WHO phase of pandemic alert

As of this writing:
The current WHO phase of pandemic alert is 5.

Phase 5 is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short.

Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5. Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way.

Seriously DandyDon, what is your problem? Now that this "threat" is winding down you're now pulling alarms about the second wave that will be the big killer?

I don't know or understand what your agenda is, but it is clear you have one. For a guy that continually tries to come across as the arbiter of fact, your hypocrisy speaks louder than any of your words.
I guess you told me. When I figure out what you told me, I'll let you know... :cool2:
I guess you're all packed, got all your relatives organized, etc? What time you leave for the airport? Have a great trip...! :pilot:

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