The Swine Flu thing...

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DandyDon--do you work for the swine flu lobby or what!?

geez man, it's as if you have a financial stake in making sure people remain freaked out. There is plenty of information out there now for people to make their own decisions. It is not like the first 24 hours when everybody was going "hog" wild about this. Even the media is toning it down, yet you're still pulling fire alarms left and right.

My assumption is that if someone is a certified diver, they likely have at least half a brain. At this point, that's all you need to decide whether traveling is in your comfort zone or not.

End of a non-story already.
Jeeze. Nope, and I haven't raised pigs in 50 yrs TG.

Making your own decisions based on facts available is fine. I am not swallowing a couple of the admitted facts, but as I have said in this thread - if you want to go, go. If you need help finding replacement flights now that Canadian airlines won't go and Continental has cut half their capacity, I'll help you find cheap flights. Every other aspect should be wonderful there with the cruise barges not calling and fewer overnight tourists as well.
From Travel Distance Calculator and Map between World Cities
Mexico, Mexico to Cozumel, Mexico - 980.11 Miles

BTW, Austin is only 566 miles from Mexico City. On Cozumel I'll be nearly twice as far away from Swine Flu Ground Zero as I am at home. ;^)
Neat site Gordy, but those are driving miles aren't they. Sure it's that far around the Gulf. I really, strongly doubt that Aeromexico flies a B-737 980 miles in 2 hours 5 minutes. I suppose they could come close but schedules are usually built on less than maximum speed. That it's probly 600-700 flight miles is not actually important to the discussion, but 1,000 was exaggerated I think. I don't know where to find out for sure. Most airlines don't quote flight miles like Continental does. Google is often a good source, but not for Mexico. (I got to tell them that there is not a bridge from Coz to PDC like they show on their maps I guess.)

Edit: Found it! Distance between Mexico City, Mexico and Cancún, Mexico, as the crow flies: 808 miles (1300 km) (702 nautical miles)
Why is it that people they recommend caution and that take this flu situation seriously, how can you not?, get jumped on in this thread? He' s just correcting errors and advising fellow divers to pay attention to the warnings. Coz is Don's second home. Hello?
Oh not my second home, but it has become my most favorite dive destination. You're right tho: I don't want to speak against the destination, but do want to stick to real facts.
It's only 2.5 hours from DFW. Ya think it's only 600-700 miles from here? Lighten up on the fear mongering, you sound like a reporter on CNN or something....
Oh Good Gawd. See above, then try to appreciate facts more, ok?
Well that sucks. And Obama just authorized a major shipment to Mexico. Seemed like a good idea.
Posted by the AP (Associated Press) 19 min ago. Swine flu virus starting to look less threatening
I do hope so, really do.
All I'm sayin is that some people we know are waaaay more likely to die due to their own mistakes made on a dive trip than they are from the flu, and I think their energies would serve them better trying to rectify that.

I'm just sayin :wink:
Cute. Really cute. If you can't use fact, act cute.

Neat site Gordy, but those are driving miles aren't they.

No, they are great circle distances. Check for yourself; google pointed up several sites to do the calc's, and they are based on latitude and longitude. If they were drive miles, the Austin to Cozumel distance (assuming you could drive to Cozumel, which you can't, even though google maps shows a bridge between Playa and Cozumel) would be huge.
Gordy, your site uses the words Driving Directions. I did find this site: Distances Worldwide that says it's 808 air miles Mexico City to Cancun. So my guess was off too, but it's nice to have correct information.
Gordy, your site uses the words Driving Distance. I did find this site: Distances Worldwide that says it's 808 air miles Mexico City to Cancun. So my guess was off too, but it's nice to have correct information.
You are correct, sir. 800 miles.

It's still a lot farther than from Mexico City to Austin.
That's a bit misleading, unintentionally I'm sure, because while the trip TO Coz would be as safe as a trip to any other place, it's the increased infection possibilities in Coz that have people worried. Keep in mind that there have been some cases in Cancun and travel to and from Coz occurs daily.

For crying out loud!

What "increased infection possibilities in Coz" ???

There are NO cases suspected or confirmed of this flu in Cozumel! There IS however a confirmed case in Missouri where I live. There is NO increased infection possibillity IN Cozumel. Maybe in traveling there, but not once there.

There also are NO "Cases in Cancun". Only cases in NY of people that flew out of Cancun. No one in Cancun has been confirmed to be infected. They most likely caught it on the plane from someone making a stop in Cancun on their way from Mexico City to NY.

Did you even bother to read his comparison of staying away from Key West because there are infections in NY????
Just to be clear, he didn't just suggest it to his family, he suggested it to the whole country (the whole world, maybe) from his position as an authority figure. I "flamed" him for that, myself. If he had just said it to his family, I would not have had a problem with it.

Yeah, what he said! :D
The use of that words, hysteria & hype, indicates to me that you are doing the same thing you accuse Don of doing - painting the other side in a negative light.

Hysteria and Hype is making FALSE CLAIMS that there are "Some Cases in Cancun" or that you're at a higher risk being in Cozumel than elsewhere when you have no idea, and no credible WHO or CDC official has stated either of your points.

Spreading false information like that just fuels the hysteria and it hurts people.
Wanna make a bet on how long it takes for President Teleprompter to use it as an emergency excuse to impliment Socialized Medicine by saying that the poor uninsured masses will be spreading the Swine flu because they won't be going to the doctor?

President Teleprompter??? It's called earning the respect for the rest of the World since the last 8 years we were led by President 'can't read the' Teleprompter!

FWIW, I ain't canceling my trip to Coz on 6/27 for nothing!

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