The Swine Flu thing...

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So, what is going on in Cozumel today? Are hotels and restaurants opened? Are any cruise ships in town? Do dive boats operate as usual?

There are quite a few vacationers in Cozumel right now, going about their daily vacations tanning on the beaches, shopping, going around the island in rental cars and (please don't do it!!) mopeds, (I'll post a video on YouTube if anyone doubts this). Thursday morning at Scuba Du we have 17 divers going out in 2 boats, 6 of them to Punta Sur. Cruise lines decided a couple days ago to cover their corporate assets based on the CDC travel alert, and are not stopping a any Mexican port for a week (or more?) and thus some "cruise-stores" are not open. There is beautiful weather and gorgeous water, restaurants, clubs & shops are all open, most life in Cozumel is going on as usual, though it is getting quieter than normal, quiet like it was many years ago, without the rushing guided hoards on tour in a zillion vehicles of all types, and the army of 3000 cab drivers everywhere taking the cruisers to and fro. And you know something? it's kind of nice....

Not the part about the serious loss of business of course, specially because there is still, and this is the part not being mentioned enough: no flu, of any kind, in Cozumel Island NONE! and what has happened is the result of several very grave mistakes on the part of the exceptionally inept & corrupt Mexican Federal Government Officials, starting at the very top.

It's a shame that such a beautiful country with so many wonderful people and inmense resources, has been run for decades by unscrupulous thieving bastards and is at their mercy and at the mercy of the dark interests they serve, they have no right to do this to an entire country, as if the billions they steal every year weren't enough.

From informed sources the prediction is that this "media-fueled-event" will start dying down in a couple weeks, and things will return to normal. Already the "confirmed" deaths in Mexico by the WHO (World Health Organization) has been lowered to 7, and 160 suspected cases, these are already being treated and will recover, these numbers are very low compared to the annual 36,000 deaths every year in the US from the regular flu season. I hope these predictions are right, but even though there will probably never be ONE SINGLE CASE of swine flu in Cozumel, the damage is done...

Very informative and interesting post, Cozumel Antonio. Thank you. Since the Gov of Mexico is as corrupt as you have indicated, [ I did not know it was THAT bad? ] is it possible that there have been a case or two, or three, in Coz but the corrupt Gov is told to report it as something else so as not to harm the Coz toursit industry, of which Coz is 100% dependent on? I saw one post here in this thread where they said that the Gov told health officals in Mexico City to report some deaths there as cardiac arrest ranther than flu? That is worrisome, if true.

My feeling is, don't go if you are PREGNANT, bringing YOUNG children, or OLDER adults. If you are a healthy person, over 21, I think it might be worth the risk, but take precautions. As in diving, HAVE FUN BUT BE SAFE.

There are quite a few vacationers in Cozumel right now, going about their daily vacations tanning on the beaches, shopping, going around the island in rental cars and (please don't do it!!) mopeds, (I'll post a video on YouTube if anyone doubts this). Thursday morning at Scuba Du we have 17 divers going out in 2 boats, 6 of them to Punta Sur. Cruise lines decided a couple days ago to cover their corporate assets based on the CDC travel alert, and are not stopping a any Mexican port for a week (or more?) and thus some "cruise-stores" are not open. There is beautiful weather and gorgeous water, restaurants, clubs & shops are all open, most life in Cozumel is going on as usual, though it is getting quieter than normal, quiet like it was many years ago, without the rushing guided hoards on tour in a zillion vehicles of all types, and the army of 3000 cab drivers everywhere taking the cruisers to and fro. And you know something? it's kind of nice....

Not the part about the serious loss of business of course, specially because there is still, and this is the part not being mentioned enough: no flu, of any kind, in Cozumel Island NONE! and what has happened is the result of several very grave mistakes on the part of the exceptionally inept & corrupt Mexican Federal Government Officials, starting at the very top.

It's a shame that such a beautiful country with so many wonderful people and inmense resources, has been run for decades by unscrupulous thieving bastards and is at their mercy and at the mercy of the dark interests they serve, they have no right to do this to an entire country, as if the billions they steal every year weren't enough.

From informed sources the prediction is that this "media-fueled-event" will start dying down in a couple weeks, and things will return to normal. Already the "confirmed" deaths in Mexico by the WHO (World Health Organization) has been lowered to 7, and 160 suspected cases, these are already being treated and will recover, these numbers are very low compared to the annual 36,000 deaths every year in the US from the regular flu season. I hope these predictions are right, but even though there will probably never be ONE SINGLE CASE of swine flu in Cozumel, the damage is done...

I haven't cancelled my trip in June either and my brother just booked a trip in May. My perspective would change if we have loads of positive cases turning up at home or in Coz as my travel dates approach.

Well I AM canceling my June trip!

Though not due to the flu. We are closing on a house today we unexpectedly decided to buy in the last three weeks. So no mo' money for the time being with two house payments. :(

However the house we bought is one we really wanted to buy (it has been for sale for over three years) so we are happy! :D
is it possible that there have been a case or two, or three, in Coz but the corrupt Gov is told to report it as something else so as not to harm the Coz toursit industry, of which Coz is 100% dependent on?

I suppose that's POSSIBLE...but I know that is not the case. I have spoken to a highly respected physician (he works at all three hospitals) on the island and he confirmed that we have NO CASES in Cozumel, and no suspect cases as of yesterday afternoon.

With the deaths at only 7 now and the majority of people contracting this flu recovering by letting it run it's course, rest, hydration, etc, this is shaping up to be no worse than the normal flu virus we all know. No one wants to get the flu, but at least we are discovering that those with healthy immune systems can fight it and recover through normal means.

This is encouraging news!
Yes, anything is possible but I think what you said is probably true - no cases on Coz, especailly since you have confirmed that with the doc you spoke to. I think he would know for sure. The bad news is, it is now human to human transmission. The good news is, as you've indicated, and reports have verified, it is a weaker strain. Thank God for that. My guess is this will subside in another week. It has been a great test, and practice, for World Gov to combat the next REAL bad pandemic. Let us hope they all have learned something valubale from this.

I suppose that's POSSIBLE...but I know that is not the case. I have spoken to a highly respected physician (he works at all three hospitals) on the island and he confirmed that we have NO CASES in Cozumel, and no suspect cases as of yesterday afternoon.

With the deaths at only 7 now and the majority of people contracting this flu recovering by letting it run it's course, rest, hydration, etc, this is shaping up to be no worse than the normal flu virus we all know. No one wants to get the flu, but at least we are discovering that those with healthy immune systems can fight it and recover through normal means.

This is encouraging news!
is it possible that there have been a case or two, or three, in Coz but the corrupt Gov is told to report it as something else so as not to harm the Coz toursit industry, of which Coz is 100% dependent on?

I don't believe the county government, nor the state government, would conceal the fact from the local population here, and if there were any cases they would be screaming it from every radio station and newspaper, Cozumel is a tight knit community and it's not easy to cover up something like this, word gets out. When I spoke of the grievous corruption in the Mexican Government, I was speaking about the federal government in Mexico City.

I do believe that the local authorities could have done alot more to minimize the effects on the local economy, if I were for example Governor, since the hype began I would have spent some serious government funds to bring a team of experts from the CDC or WHO or any internationally recognized association, and I would have them check all the hospitals case by case, making them analize any possible person with any kind of symptoms, and go to all the schools to get samples, until they could publically certify that they found no cases of it, and then hold a major press conference and launch a media campaign directed at travel agencies, wholesale charters, airlines, cruise lines and the general public with the certifed results.

I believe time will show that there were never any cases of the swine flu in Cozumel, yet the damages to the local economy are as bad as if there were.
Cozumel is going on as usual, though it is getting quieter than normal, quiet like it was many years ago, without the rushing guided hoards on tour in a zillion vehicles of all types, and the army of 3000 cab drivers everywhere taking the cruisers to and fro. And you know something? it's kind of nice....
I like that part! Too bad they can't make it permanent.
On the today show Biden told the public that he has advised his family to not ride the trains.
This will not help travel to Cozumel etc
From a travelers perspective, the fact that there isn't any swine flu on Coz isn't as important as the fact that you have to use planes, buses, and automobiles to get there.

Put me down magically in the middle of Coz and I would feel like I could work to control my own exposure. Put me in a tin can with recirculated air (an airplane) and I'm not as fond of my chances.

I absolutely hope (and things are looking this way) that this whole thing turns out to be much ado about nothing. It must be supremely frustrating to people involved in the travel industry anywhere. Still, it's hard to deny that airports and airplanes are pretty good ways to expose yourself to germs of any kind from all over the world.

Flame suit on :)

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