The Story

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Pulled Spock out by his legs and said ".......
Do you dare fart and blame it on me!!!" to which spock replied
"Did I do that." He then ripped off his mask to reveal that he was really Urkel. "I'm tired of being a :dork2:. I will take over the world. I have developed a fart machine. One wiff of my "odor" and you will do as I command you." He then farted in Betty's general direction, and told her to tell Scuba Do how to change the tag associated with his screen name. Immediately, Betty . . .
grabbed his fart machine and stuffed it up his nose. Then she ran off yelling.......
"I'm keeping a secret from Scuba Do. I'm keeping a secret from Scuba Do." This made Urkle made as he realized what a cool dude Scuba Do is, so Urkle pulled out a truth gun from his pants (that were pulled up to his chest) and shot BettyRubble. Overwhelmed by the truth serum, she told her secret, which is . . .
"I'm a scuba diver and I'm really upset that I wasn't invited on the original trip. Those guys hurt my feelings severely by not inviting me." Betty Rubble broke down and sobbed and cried and cried and sobbed and blew her nose and cried and sobbed and blew her nose again and wiped her eyes and farted and cried and sobbed. Then she began to compose herself. She said "just give me a minute". Then with tears streaming down her face she said......
"I sent LetterBoy to get rid of Scuba Do. I feel terrible about that. I hope its not too late to stop him." Unfortunately, . . .
LetterBoy, being the good big brother that he is, had already set out to
KILL SCUBA DO!!! "Oh, it's all my fault," sobbed BettyRubble. "If only I had been nicer to Scuba Do. He is such a cool dude, and now I have killed him!" At that very moment LetterBoy was . . .

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