Subic - Near Gerry's Grill
Bohol Pics - The ubiquitous Tarsier photo
The Chocolate Hills = Note the absence of colour. It was raining that day and didn't have a choice except to shoot in the downpour. The frame was created by my hanky on top of the camera.
Man-made Forest, according to the driver.
Loboc River
The barges are pushed by these motorized bancas. Makes me wonder why they couldn't mount the motor on the barge itself?
You stop at one of these stationary barges along the way
where you are entertained by these kids playing and dancing...
And yeah...the year's wrong. Couldn't be bothered editing my actions at the moment.

Bohol Pics - The ubiquitous Tarsier photo

The Chocolate Hills = Note the absence of colour. It was raining that day and didn't have a choice except to shoot in the downpour. The frame was created by my hanky on top of the camera.

Man-made Forest, according to the driver.

Loboc River

The barges are pushed by these motorized bancas. Makes me wonder why they couldn't mount the motor on the barge itself?

You stop at one of these stationary barges along the way

where you are entertained by these kids playing and dancing...

And yeah...the year's wrong. Couldn't be bothered editing my actions at the moment.