The Passion Of Christ

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Amy, I would just like to say... that I used to be a dairy farmer.

How cool!! Never knew how I felt about cows until I married a rancher in NE and got to adopt two of my very own babies (cows). They learned to come when called by name, loved banan bread and blueberry muffins and were cuter than cute!!! Unfortunately had to leave them in NE when we migrated. :(

Sorry to be off topic .... :)
Am anxiously waiting to see the film, once I can get through the lines. :) But until then... I just wanted to say, this thread is FASCINATING!!! How cool to see a different side to all of you cyber 'friends' that I read daily. Literacy in Russian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, History nuts, religiously devout... wow! gives a whole new very awesome dimension to scuba divers.

I will have something to say once I see the film. Let you know then! :)

For the record, I am religiously devout solely because my wife makes me. Before I met her, I was a sailor. Just so that the credit goes where it is due. :-)

When I think about it, Peter James and John were all sailors too. It must have been a huge adjustment for them as well.
Very true, but as always one inflamatory remark can set off a whole host of biters, just look at the DIR forum, each person has their own opinion, if that is right or wrong in your mind then say so or dont say so. IF things are stated that are plainly untrue, such as no historical evidence, then that can be responded to without it getting heated. I hope that my correction was not viewed as a flame and/or getting too religious even for this "semi-religious" debate, how can it not be religious if its about Christ?? At least there has been no reference to Buddha, Allah, Muhammed, Confusious, or any of the other "gods" etc out there to really stir up the pot regarding this film and its accuracy or inaccuracy with history. I know i have just mentioned them.

I did refer indirectly to the other 10 major world religions beside Judaism and Christianity. But only indirectly. We (Jews and Christians) are not the only major religions out there, although it is easy to forget that fact.
When I think about it, Peter James and John were all sailors too.

That's kinda cool. I'll have to check and see if any of the disciples were actuaries ... oh, no, maybe Judas?
Indigo, sorry i did see you mentioned that and just forgot, everyone has failings, mine is mostly due to memory, even at my tender age. The reason i mentioned those other religions/gods was that i hear about them everyday at work from the various other members of my office, but woah betide a Christian saying all that much!! Trust me i cant forget that others have other gods and religions. That is definately another topic though.

I too look forward to the film, or at least seeing it after the various lines have subsided, never been one to rush in and challenge those who love the premier night.
Well, I've just come home from seeing it, and I can honestly say it is nothing remotely like any other motion picture I have ever seen. I know now why it is so controversial, but by the same token, it could very well win an Academy Award next year. Being moved to tears by a movie is nothing new to me, but I've never had one affect me quite like this one. Bravo, Mel Gibson! :cry:
Here's something interesting that some of you may have heard before:

If the world were equated to a village consisting of 100 people: 32 are Christian, 19 are Muslim, 13 are Hindu, 12 practice Shamanism, animism and other folk religions, 6 are Buddhists, 2 belong to other global religions such as the Baha'i faith, Confucianism, Shintoism, Sikhism, or Jainism, 1 is Jewish, and 15 are non-religious.

David Smith, "If the World Were a Village, A Book about the World's People", Kids Can Press Ltd., Toronto, ON, Canada, 2002.

I saw the movie a few days ago, very moving. And disturbing when you consider His sacrifice and the amount of hatred and killing still in the world today, almost 2000 years later.
Lightning Fish:
Here's something interesting that some of you may have heard before:

If the world were equated to a village consisting of 100 people: 32 are Christian, 19 are Muslim, 13 are Hindu, 12 practice Shamanism, animism and other folk religions, 6 are Buddhists, 2 belong to other global religions such as the Baha'i faith, Confucianism, Shintoism, Sikhism, or Jainism, 1 is Jewish, and 15 are non-religious.

David Smith, "If the World Were a Village, A Book about the World's People", Kids Can Press Ltd., Toronto, ON, Canada, 2002.

I saw the movie a few days ago, very moving. And disturbing when you consider His sacrifice and the amount of hatred and killing still in the world today, almost 2000 years later.

Those numbers sound about right. The degree to which Jews are a minority among religions is somewhat surprising.

Well you can blame most of the hatred and killing on various followers bickering with eachother about who was right or wrong. The only way I see this stopping anytime soon is if the "non-religous" number goes up 30 or 40 percent in the near future. That's not gonna happen though. It's probably mostly because of our social nature and desire to be part of a group that most people can't let go of these archaic and, by definition, intolerant (some more than others) belief systems, think for themselves, and develop their own beliefs. It seems that most people would feel threatened and isolated if they had nobody to share common beliefs with. What really surprises me is how religion is still so prevalent (and sometimes pervasive) in modern western societies. Speaking of which, there was a piece on CBS news tonight about how the National Park Service (which is part of the federal government) was selling a book about how the Grand Canyon was created in a "great flood" only 10,000 years ago right alongside books based on actual geology and history. Evidently, the Creation "Science" people had been pushing for them to sell the book as an alternative viewpoint. Okay, I'm tired and I'm getting way off the topic here so I'll stop for now.

DISCLAIMER: I was really bored and I saw this post so I decided to rant for a little. ;) I would love to see some other viewpoints in this thread, as long as we can keep it somewhat civilized. Thanks!

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