Was he? John 16:32 says different. I don't see any assertation that he was there... only that he testified about what happened. Maybe, I missed the verse.
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NetDoc:Actually he was talking to his disciples. He predicted that they would all leave him and that he would go through this alone.
UP just pointed out John 19:26, which puts John at the cross. But we still don't know how much of the scourging he witnessed.
Ok, Indigoblue, just had to pull you up on this one a little, Mel Gibson is what one might term a conservative RC, that is the version of RC he believes in doesn't recognize the pope, i am not sure if he believes in the other books that were put into the Bible by the RC's or not though. One of the biggies of the RC faith is the belief that Peter was in Rome and started the Rc church (upon this stone i will build my church) and that the lineage of the popes is descended/passed on (not by blood) from him on down. I dont see how Mel could be RC IF he doesnt consider the pope, but then again should he really as there is no scriptural evidence about that.IndigoBlue:Within Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church represents over half of the Christian population, and that is what Mel Gibson's faith is. He said he produced this movie, The Passion of the Christ, because he had been thinking about doing it for over a decade. He apparently had to fund it completely by himself, since there was no outside interest in participating financially. So my wife's and my $20 bucks tonight will go towards repaying his funding efforts.
Even though baptism is not easily translated, there are descriptions of it in the NT that all describe full immersion in water after a confession of faith(mostly rivers or seas from what i recall), some people have chosen to change that to any water being dabbed on the head to make things more convenient (even on children who cant confess faith yet), but when someone says baptism, that is instant what i think of as it is described.Netdoc:The word baptism was never really translated... it was merely transliterated and few really understand it.
Walter:You misread me. I'm just saying to watch it with care. I don't know if it's accurate or not. I do know biblical scholars have raised issues with its historical accuracy. Don't assume the movie accurately shows what happened.
TostitoBandito:The Bible is mostly fiction.
UWSojourner:dems' some fighten' words :nonono:. As I see it, that statement is complete fiction, and unsupportable by history.