There are many archealogical artifacts that attest to the Biblical "story" (as you term it fiction). They all confirm the writings and there has yet to be anything unearthed that has really tested it (please dont mention dino bones etc as carbon dating is a very fickle science and can be very far out). It is true there are many good lessons and moral teachings in the Bible, however, the fictional stories that are in there are parables or are stated as moral learning tools prior/subsequent to the story being told.
At times i have a tough time getting my head around certain subjects and lessons, sometimes even applying them to my life, but i believe they are true. I was brought up in the UK where religion is not a big thing anymore, and the Darwin/big bang theories have been taught in schools all through my youth, i understood over here neither is really emphasised as being the ulitmate truth.
As for accuracy, i cant believe the Jews are saying that this film portays something that isnt already depicted in the biggest selling book in the world. The Bible states that the Sanhedrin plotted to have Jesus killed, not the Jewish population, so it wasnt the Jews, just the folks who pretty much ran their religion, how much power do some "preachers" have over their laymen congregations??? I have nothing against Jews, the film is not anti-semetic, anyone who takes that away from the film or the original Word is not reading it right, a sect of the Jews killed Jesus, the leaders that had taken the original intent of God's word and the 10 commandments et al and added tons more little rules, for various reasons.
As for me, i have to watch my tongue around my office, half of the people here are Muslim, others are Hindu, and there are some other Asian religions that are also believed - we have a very multi-cultural office!!
At times i have a tough time getting my head around certain subjects and lessons, sometimes even applying them to my life, but i believe they are true. I was brought up in the UK where religion is not a big thing anymore, and the Darwin/big bang theories have been taught in schools all through my youth, i understood over here neither is really emphasised as being the ulitmate truth.
As for accuracy, i cant believe the Jews are saying that this film portays something that isnt already depicted in the biggest selling book in the world. The Bible states that the Sanhedrin plotted to have Jesus killed, not the Jewish population, so it wasnt the Jews, just the folks who pretty much ran their religion, how much power do some "preachers" have over their laymen congregations??? I have nothing against Jews, the film is not anti-semetic, anyone who takes that away from the film or the original Word is not reading it right, a sect of the Jews killed Jesus, the leaders that had taken the original intent of God's word and the 10 commandments et al and added tons more little rules, for various reasons.
As for me, i have to watch my tongue around my office, half of the people here are Muslim, others are Hindu, and there are some other Asian religions that are also believed - we have a very multi-cultural office!!