The Passion Of Christ

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sure... i have just exhausted my knowledge on this subject =P
Ok, coming from a non Jew, (perhaps one of our Jewish divers can help us out here), I understand the sedar is the meal eaten during passover. Passover was when God passed over anybody who had the blood of the lamb (not sure of that) over their door alerting God his people where there. (The movie "The Prince of Egypt" is awesome depicting this). The meal consisted of unlevened bread plus more. Passover celebrates the Jews exodus out of Egypt. But you just wrote that Andy...

(cleaning dust off Bible) See: Exodus 12
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the word is actually spelled Seder.
You are correct.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the word is actually spelled Seder.

It's pronounced as sayter. In speaking of it, the Jewish people I know call it "The Seder" :palmtree: Bob
Ok, coming from a non Jew, (perhaps one of our Jewish divers can help us out here), I understand the sedar is the meal eaten during passover. Passover was when God passed over anybody who had the blood of the lamb (not sure of that) over their door alerting God his people where there. (The movie "The Prince of Egypt" is awesome depicting this). The meal consisted of unlevened bread plus more. Passover celebrates the Jews exodus out of Egypt. But you just wrote that Andy...

(cleaning dust off Bible) See: Exodus 12

Yes, lamb's blood was placed over the doorway of the
dwellings of the Israelites and God "passed over" the house.
It is for this reason that Jesus is called "The Lamb of God" (among other terms). His blood "covering a believer" protects them from the penalty of sin, which is DEATH. All/many of the Old Testament rituals, sacrifices and prophecies point directly to Christ. It's fascinating history and truth. And it is also blessed assurance that I will live forever in the presence of Jesus, The Christ.
A few more points,

the passover was significant as Green Manelishi mentioned for the blood aspect of the lamb. I believe that the lamb (spotless) was the sin offering and as Jesus was sacrificed for our sins, hence he is a lamb again. The meal of the last supper is what should be conducted (according to many passages in the NT) every sunday in memory of his body broken and blood shed for us, this meal is still unleavened bread and weak wine/fruit of the vine as it was described in the last supper.

Jesus' sentencing for death by crucifiction and prior to the scourging was a horrible and painful death, the scourging was very much like that depicted in the movie and told about in many secular reports of Roman punishment, it is what was eluded to in few words in the gospels. Many people died just from this and didnt even get crucified. The cross a key part to the death of Christ and was long prophesied in the OT, there are again secular historical accounts of this type of death, that would have added meat to the sparse details in the gospel accounts. I am fairly sure from reading the gospels and the secular historical accounts that the scenes depicted in the movie couldnt have been far off of the reality for Jesus. It was His love for us and the Father that He sacrificed himself as the perfect spotless/blameless sacrifice that allows our sins to be washed away when we believe and are baptised into Him (again full body baptism as described in the NT). I understand that these scenes may be hard to take, how do you think the disciples and His family felt when they witnessed these things?? But these things had to happen for the hope of eternal salvation and eternal life for those who believe/baptised and walk in His light daily.

I do wish that more had been given on His life and the way He taught and what he taught. Unfortunately that wouldnt have brought in as many people as some of the lessons are hard to take (that is why many preachers choose to skip sections of the Bible). I also wish more had been given on His ressurection and what that meant with regard the prophecies, and Jesus victory over death. There is much more that could be in the film, but it would be a long film!! His death, burial and ressurection are part of the baptism process, where you shed the old man of sin and promise to overcome it as you are reborn (spiritually) into the new man in Jesus, putting off your old ways and trying to live more spiritually and like Jesus, following His examples and the doctrine He taught. All these things i have written are scripturally sound and the basis of the NT inspired writings, just look them up in your Bibles. Like i said, some things are hard to take, i personally am challenged in many ways, i try my hardest each day to overcome those temptations that lead me to sin. I hope that my prayers and petitions are heard and that my sins can be forgiven as promised by Jesus (and other apostles writings) in the NT, but even though i ask forgiveness, i hope that if i can also repent and sin no more in the same way that this will also help my case on the last day.

As for Mel Gibson being persecuted and blackballed out of Hollywood, he has made his money over the years, more than enough to retire on, he doesnt need those people in tinsel town to praise him in any way - they are way to materialistic and self-centred to get any of the message he is trying to give.
I have not seen the movie yet and don't know if I will or not. I'm not religious so, the film does not interest me in that respect. I do however enjoy films set in ancient times and like movies with subtitles. All the hype concerning the film turns me off more than anything.

My wife and I were discussing, on the way home after seeing the movie last night, whether it would draw anyone to it that was not religious already?

As a film, it seemed to us to be an excellent portrayal of the New Testament accounts. Most of the events were direct representations. There were a few embellishments, such as the temple guards shoving Christ off a viaduct, and the assistance of Pilate's wife of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, and the direct presence of Lucifer in Gethsemane, and the raven attacking one of the crucified thieves.

The earthquake and the rending of the temple veil are metioned in the New Testament, which my wife was unsure about and asked me, even though she has been studying Christianity much longer than I have.

The lines at the movies for this show were very long. There were many who came together with groups. There was solemnity throughout the showing, and then some jubilation at the ending, and applauds for the movie by many.

I thought the movie was a successful dramatic rendition in the ancient Athenian sense of a historic event presented for the benefit of education and inspiration. I could not call this movie entertainment, because it was too emotional to be called that.

If you have not seen it, and you are not religious, you might still appreciate it, in terms of culture and education. The object is in portraying an epic conflict between good and evil forces in the universe, and a glimpse at the two authors of this conflict, a Diety on the one hand, and a manipulating evil spirit on the other. It explains a few things (in terms of the Christian tradition), that science cannot.
The scholars and leaders of the Jewish Community, who called for banning this film in Canada as well as calling it anti-Semitic, have done themselves a great disservice. Many people are beginning to openly question the validity and accuracy of claims of anti-Semitism from both Jewish and non-Jewish leaders on radio call in shows. This will have a very negative and lasting impact on them and will be very hard for them to correct.

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